AM195 - Year End Close
**Form Purpose
Run Year End Close (AM195) to close the year for all asset books for a
company or company group. Only when all periods for a given book are closed
through AM190 (Period Close) or AM192 (Short Year Final Period Close) can the
year be closed. Once this program is run, it cannot be reversed. When the year
is closed:
- The YTD, YTD override (if used), and LTD asset book depreciation balances
by asset at year end are retained for historical reporting.
- The YTD, YTD override (if used) for all current asset books is set to zero
to reflect the new year YTD balance.
- The year end account balances by account are retained for historical
transaction reporting.
- Calendars are created for the new year by incrementing the year end date by
one. If the month or day needs to change for any period end date, it needs to
be manually changed.
Updated Files
AMASSET - Used for restart information.
AMASTBOOK - Updates balances.
AMCALENDAR - Creates new calendars.
AMCONTROL - Updates the Processing Release flag and the Pending Year-End
Count flag.
CKPOINT - Used for restart purposes.
Referenced Files
AMBGRPBOOK - Used to validate and retrieve books in valid book groups.
AMBOOK - Used to validate and retrieve book information.
AMBOOKGRP - Used to validate and retrieve book groups.
AMPUCODE - Used to retrieve personal use codes.
GLADDRESS - Used by a common library; not used by this program.
GLCGCPY - Used to validate the company group.
GLCHART - Used by a common library, not by this program.
GLSYSTEM - Used to validate the company.
INVOKED Programs