Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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Documentation generated by Decision Analytics

ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AM40.1 - Disposals

**Form Purpose
Use Disposals (AM40.1) to dispose of assets. This program processes
individual asset and partial asset disposals. If you select P (Partial) in the
Disposal field, the program navigates to Items (AM40.2). You can then select
the items involved in the disposal and indicate the quantity to be disposed
for each item. Then you can select items to be disposed of and can change each
item quantity.

**Processing Effect
Once you start the disposal and select the items (in the case of a partial
item disposal only), the program navigates to AM40.3 (Gain or Loss), where
system-prompted proceeds, cost of sales, disposal depreciation and gain or
loss amounts are calculated in each asset book currency. You can accept or
change any of these amounts.

After AM40.3, the program navigates to AM40.4 (Journal Entries), the general
ledger entry program where you can add, change, or accept system-prompted
entries. The general ledger date defaults from the disposal date. Once you
have disposed of assets, you can release (update) them either online using
AM40.1 or in mass using AM170 (Processing Release).

**More Information
If you release transactions that include user analysis values, complete the
Strategic Ledger Processing cycle to analyze profitability. Use SL40.1 (Error
Transaction Edit) to view and correct transaction errors and SL90.1 (Strategic
Ledger Transaction Analysis) to display transactions.

Updated Files

    AMACCOUNT  - Used to retrieve and validate accounts.

    AMACCTGRP  - Used to retrieve and validate accounts.

    AMASSET    - Used to store asset records. This file also contains many of
                 the selection and sorting fields that are used for reporting.
                 The asset process is updated.

    AMASSETDSP - Primary file updated. Used to store historical asset
                 information related to disposals.

    AMASTBKDSP - Primary file updated. Used to store book disposal information.

    AMASTBOOK  - Used to store the asset book records that are used to
                 depreciate assets.

    AMASTITDSP - Created by this program. This file contains historical asset
                 item information related to disposals.

    AMASTITEM  - Used to store asset item records. Each Asset Item file record
                 has one related record in the Asset file. The item process is


    AMASTRECAP - Used to calculate and store tax credit and recapture amounts.

    AMASTTYPE  - Used to validate the asset type.

    AMAUGROUP  - Used to retrieve and validate accounting unit groups.

    AMBKHIST   -



    AMCALENDAR - Used to retrieve the period end date.

    AMCNVASSET - Asset records removed during this program when released.

    AMCONTROL  - Used to store control records for the general ledger companies
                 that are associated with records processed in the Asset
                 Management system.

    AMCTLTRANS - Used to store general ledger transaction batch totals and
                 header information.


    AMTRANS    - Used to store detailed records of asset transactions that
                 update the general ledger.


    MXOBJCAT   -

    SYSTEMCODE - Accessed by a common library; not used by this program.

Referenced Files

    AMASSETADJ - Accessed by a common library; not used by this program.

    AMASSETTRF - Accessed by a common library; not used by this program.

    AMASTBKADJ - Accessed by a common library; not used by this program.

    AMASTBKTRF - Accessed by a common library; not used by this program.

    AMBOOK     - Used to validate the book.

    AMCNVASSET - Asset records removed during this program when released.

    AMCOMPUTE  - Used to calculate depreciation.

    AMDSPPROP  - Used to calculate depreciation.

    AMMETHOD   - Used to calculate depreciation.

    AMPUCODE   - Used to calculate depreciation.

    AMPUHIS    - Stores depreciation records for assets that have an assigned
                 personal use code.

    AMTABLEPCT - Used to calculate depreciation.

    AMTABLETAX - Used to calculate depreciation.



    AMUOPPDS   - Used to calculate depreciation.

    GLADDRESS  - Accessed by a common library; not used by this program.

    GLCHART    - Accessed by a common library; not used by this program.

    GLCODES    -

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate the company.

    LMLEASE    -


AM40.2 - Items

**Form Purpose
Use Items (AM40.2) to indicate which items to dispose of and what quantity of
each item to dispose of. This subform opens automatically if you defined a
disposal on Disposals (AM40.1) with the Disposal field set to P (Partial).

You must enter the total quantity to be disposed of in the Disposal Quantity
field. You must also indicate the quantity to be disposed of for each asset.

**More Information
When you add this form, the quantity displayed in the Total Quantity Selected
field should match the quantity you type in the Disposal Quantity field.

Updated Files

    AMACCOUNT  - Referenced by a common routine, not used by this program.

    AMACCTGRP  - Referenced by a common routine, not used by this program.

    AMASSET    - Used to store asset records. This file also contains many of
                 the selection and sorting fields that are used for reporting.

    AMASSETDSP - Primary file updated. Used to store historical asset
                 information related to disposals.

    AMASTBKDSP - Primary file updated. Used to store book disposal information.

    AMASTBOOK  - Used to store the asset book records that are used to
                 depreciate assets.

    AMASTITDSP - Primary file updated by the program. This file contains
                 historical asset item information related to disposals.

    AMASTITEM  - Primary file updated. Used to store asset item records. Each
                 Asset Item file record  has one related record in the Asset

    AMASTRECAP - Used to calculate and store tax credit and recapture amounts.

    AMASTTYPE  - Referenced by a common routine, not used by this program.

    AMAUGROUP  - Used to retrieve and validate accounting unit groups.

    AMBKHIST   -



    AMCONTROL  - Referenced by a common routine, not used by this program.

    AMCTLTRANS - Used to store general ledger transaction batch totals and
                 header information.


    AMTRANS    - Updated by the program. Used to store general ledger
                 transaction batch totals and header information.


    SYSTEMCODE - Referenced by a common routine, not used by this program.

Referenced Files

    AMASSETADJ - Referenced by a common routine, not used by this program.

    AMASSETTRF - Referenced by a common routine, not used by this program.

    AMASTBKADJ - Referenced by a common routine, not used by this program.

    AMASTBKTRF - Referenced by a common routine, not used by this program.

    AMBOOK     - Used to validate the book.

    AMCALENDAR - Used to retrieve the period end date.

    AMCOMPUTE  - Used to calculate depreciation.

    AMMETHOD   - Used to calculate depreciation.

    AMPUCODE   - Used to calculate depreciation.

    AMPUHIS    - Used to calculate depreciation.

    AMTABLEPCT - Used to calculate depreciation.

    AMTABLETAX - Used to calculate depreciation.



    AMUOPPDS   - Used to calculate depreciation.

    GLADDRESS  - Referenced by a common routine, not used by this program.

    GLCHART    - Referenced by a common routine, not used by this program.

    GLCODES    -

    GLSYSTEM   - Referenced by a common routine, not used by this program.

    LMLEASE    -


AM40.3 - Gain or Loss

**Form Purpose
Use Gain or Loss (AM40.3) to record gain and loss information relating to the

Updated Files

    AMACCOUNT  - Used to retrieve and validate accounts.

    AMACCTGRP  - Used to retrieve and validate accounts.

    AMASSET    - Used to store asset records. This file also contains many of
                 the selection and sorting fields that are used for reporting.

    AMASTBKDSP - Used to store book disposal information.

    AMASTBOOK  - Used to store the asset book records that are used to
                 depreciate assets.

    AMASTTYPE  - Used to validate the asset type.

    AMAUGROUP  - Used to retrieve and validate accounting unit groups.

    AMBKHIST   -



    AMCONTROL  - Used to store control records for the general ledger companies
                 that are associated with records processed in the Asset
                 Management system.



    AMTRANS    - Used to store detailed records of asset transactions that
                 update the general ledger.



Referenced Files


    AMASSETDSP - Accessed by a common library; not used by this program.




    AMBOOK     - Used to validate the book.


    AMTABLETAX - Used to determine the tax credit and recapture amount.



    GLADDRESS  - Accessed by a common library; not used by this program.

    GLCHART    - Accessed by a common library; not used by this program.

    GLCODES    -

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate the company.

    LMLEASE    -


AM40.4 - Journal Entries

**Form Purpose
Use Journal Entries (AM40.4) to add or delete journal entries relating to
asset disposal.

Updated Files

    AMASSET    - Used to store asset records. This file also contains many of
                 the selection and sorting fields that are used for reporting.


    AMBKHIST   -




    AMTRANS    - Primary file updated. Used to store detailed records of asset
                 transactions that update the general ledger.



Referenced Files


    AMASSETDSP - Used to validate the disposal.





    AMBOOK     - Used to validate the book.

    AMCALENDAR - Used to retrieve the period end date.






    GLCHART    -

    GLCODES    -

    GLSYSTEM   -

    LMLEASE    -


INVOKED Programs
