Asset Book Adjustment
The Asset Book Adjustment file is an audit file that stores records of
changes that are made to Asset Book file records. Each asset book adjustment
record describes the before and after values of asset book fields that were
changed, as well as the date and time of the change and the operator who made
the changes.
AM135 AM145 AM154 AM190 AM192 AM225
AM30.1 AM30.2 AM30.3 AM40.1 AM40.2 AM40.3
AM40.4 AM41.1 AM41.2 AMDL.1
AM115 AM125 AM15.1 AM15.2 AM15.3 AM15.4
AM170 AM20.1 AM20.2 AM20.3 AM20.4 AM20.5
AM20.6 AM21.1 AM21.2 AM21.3 AM21.4 AM21.5
AM21.6 AM300 AM310 AM500 AM520 AM551
AM96.1 AM98.1
ABA-ASSET Numeric 10 AM115 AM125
Asset Key field. The asset number contains up AM15.1 AM15.2
to ten numeric characters that uniquely AM15.3 AM15.4
identify an asset. Assets are AM20.1 AM20.2
automatically numbered system-wide. AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-BOOK Alpha 10 AM115 AM125
Book Key field. A user-defined book name. AM15.1 AM15.2
Books are used by assets for calculating AM15.3 AM15.4
depreciation, replacement cost, and AM20.1 AM20.2
insurance values, and for reporting. AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM520
AM551 AM98.1
ABA-PROCESS-SEQ Numeric 4 AM115 AM125
Process Sequence Key field. This is the process sequence AM15.1 AM15.2
number for the asset book adjustment. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-ADJUST-DATE Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) AM115 AM125
Adjustment Date This is the effective date for the AM15.1 AM15.2
adjustment. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
Compute This option determines how an
adjustment affects depreciation in the
period of adjustment, in prior periods
of the same year, and in future years.
Valid values are:
N = Any difference between the
year-to-date depreciation taken and the
annual amount that should be taken based
on the change is spread over the
remaining depreciation periods in the
current year.
Y = Any difference between the
year-to-date depreciation taken and the
amount that should be taken based on the
change is charged to the current
depreciation period.
P = The net asset value as of the
adjustment date is allocated over the
assets remaining life. No current period
adjustment is applicable and no annual
limits are applied to the current year
depreciation calculation.
Book Status This field indicates the book status. AM15.1 AM15.2
Valid values are: AM15.3 AM15.4
A = Active AM20.1 AM20.2
I = Inactive AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
To Book Status This is the book status for the AM15.1 AM15.2
transfer-to asset. Valid values are: AM15.3 AM15.4
A = Active AM20.1 AM20.2
I = Inactive AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-LIFE Numeric 4 AM115 AM125
Life This is the asset life in months. AM15.1 AM15.2
AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-LIFE Numeric 4 AM115 AM125
To Life This is the life in months for the AM15.1 AM15.2
transfer-to asset. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-LIFE-REM Signed 7.3 AM115 AM125
Life Remaining This is the asset life remaining in AM15.1 AM15.2
months. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-LIFE-REM Signed 7.3 AM115 AM125
To Life Remaining This is the asset life remaining in AM15.1 AM15.2
months for the transfer-to asset. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-BOOK-BASIS Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
Book Basis This field contains the amount on which AM15.1 AM15.2
the depreciation calculations are based. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
Note: The depreciation basis amount can AM20.4 AM21.1
be different for each depreciation book. AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-BOOK-BASIS Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
To Book Basis This field contains the amount on which AM15.1 AM15.2
depreciation calculations for the AM15.3 AM15.4
to-asset are based. AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
Note: The depreciation basis amount can AM21.2 AM21.4
be different for each depreciation book. AM500 AM551
ABA-METHOD Alpha 10 AM115 AM125
Method This is the method. It can be a AM15.1 AM15.2
predefined or a user-defined method. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-METHOD Alpha 10 AM115 AM125
To Method This is the method for the to-asset. It AM15.1 AM15.2
can be a predefined or a user-defined AM15.3 AM15.4
method. AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
Method Switched This is the switch used to indicate AM15.1 AM15.2
when the Asset Management system has AM15.3 AM15.4
switched the depreciation method. It AM20.1 AM20.2
remains blank until the switch occurs. AM20.4 AM21.1
The system then fills in an asterisk AM21.2 AM21.4
("*"). AM500 AM551
Valid values are:
# = (Blank); the switch is not in use.
* = (Asterisk); the depreciation method
has been switched to the optimizing
To Method Switch This field indicates for the to-asset AM15.1 AM15.2
whether the Asset Management system has AM15.3 AM15.4
switched the depreciation method. It AM20.1 AM20.2
remains blank until the switch occurs; AM20.4 AM21.1
then the system fills in an asterisk in AM21.2 AM21.4
the field. AM500 AM551
ABA-INSRV-DATE Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) AM115 AM125
In Service Date The book in-service date for the asset. AM15.1 AM15.2
AM15.3 AM15.4
Note: The in-service date can be AM20.1 AM20.2
different for each depreciation book AM20.4 AM21.1
used. AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-INSRV-DATE Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) AM115 AM125
To In Service Date The book in-service date for the AM15.1 AM15.2
to-asset. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
Note: The in-service date can be AM20.4 AM21.1
different for each depreciation book. AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-METH-TABLE-YR Numeric 2 AM115 AM125
Method Table Year This field indicates what year of its AM15.1 AM15.2
life the asset is in. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-METH-TBL-YR Numeric 2 AM115 AM125
To Method Table Year This field indicates what year of its AM15.1 AM15.2
the to-asset is in. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
Convention This is the convention for depreciation AM15.1 AM15.2
calculation. Valid values are: AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
Full Month = The asset receives a full AM20.4 AM21.1
month of depreciation during the month AM21.2 AM21.4
it is placed in service. The asset does AM500 AM551
not receive any depreciation for the AM98.1
month in which it is disposed of.
Modified Half Month = If the asset is
placed in service during the first half
of the month, it receives one full month
of depreciation for its first month. In
this case, it receives no depreciation
for the month in which it is disposed
of. If the asset is placed in service
during the last half of the month,
depreciation calculations begin the
following month. In this case, the asset
receives a full month during the month
in which it is disposed of.
Mid Month = The asset receives one-half
of one month's depreciation for the
month in which it is placed in service,
and one-half of one month's depreciation
for the month in which it is disposed
Next Month = The asset receives one full
month of depreciation in the month after
it is placed in service and one full
month of depreciation in the month it is
disposed of.
Full Year = The asset receives a full
year's depreciation the year it is
placed in service and no depreciation
the year it is disposed of.
Half Year = The asset receives one half
of a year's depreciation for the first
year and the year it is disposed of.
Modified Half Year = If the asset is in
service before the middle of the year,
it receives a full year's depreciation
during its first year, and no
depreciation during the year it is
disposed of. If the asset is placed in
service after the midpoint of the year,
depreciation begins the following year,
and the asset receives a full year's
depreciation during the year it is
disposed of.
Mid Quarter = The asset receives
one-half of one quarter's depreciation
for the quarter in which it is placed in
service, and one-half of one quarter's
depreciation for the quarter in which it
is disposed of.
Actual Days = The asset receives
depreciation for each day it is in
service during the fiscal year,
beginning with the in-service date.
To Convention This is the convention for depreciation AM15.1 AM15.2
calculation for the to-asset . Valid AM15.3 AM15.4
values are: AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
Full Month = The asset receives a full AM21.2 AM21.4
month of depreciation during the month AM500 AM551
it is placed in service. The asset does AM98.1
not receive any depreciation for the
month in which it is disposed of.
Modified Half Month = If the asset is
placed in service during the first half
of the month, it receives one full month
of depreciation for its first month. In
this case, it receives no depreciation
for the month in which it is disposed
of. If the asset is placed in service
during the last half of the month,
depreciation calculations begin the
following month. In this case, the asset
receives a full month during the month
in which it is disposed of.
Mid Month = The asset receives one-half
of one months depreciation for the month
in which it is placed in service, and
one-half of one month's depreciation for
the month in which it is disposed of.
Next Month = The asset receives one full
month of depreciation in the month after
it is placed in service and one full
month of depreciation in the month it is
disposed of.
Full Year = The asset receives a full
year's depreciation the year it is
placed in service and no depreciation
the year it is disposed of.
Half Year = The asset receives one half
of a year's depreciation for the first
year and the year it is disposed of.
Modified Half Year = If the asset is in
service before the middle of the year,
it receives a full year's depreciation
during its first year, and no
depreciation during the year it is
disposed of. If the asset is placed in
service after the midpoint of the year,
depreciation begins the following year,
and the asset receives a full year's
depreciation during the year it is
disposed of.
Mid Quarter = The asset receives
one-half of one quarter's depreciation
for the quarter in which it is placed in
service, and one-half of one quarter's
depreciation for the quarter in which it
is disposed of.
Actual Days = The asset receives
depreciation for each day it is in
service during the fiscal year,
beginning with the in-service date.
ABA-DEPR-STARTDATE Numeric 8 (yyyymmdd) AM115 AM125
Depreciation Start This is the date with which AM15.1 AM15.2
Date depreciation calculation begins. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-LIFE-YEARS Signed 5.2 AM115 AM125
Life Years This is the asset life in years. AM15.1 AM15.2
AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-LIFE-YEARS Signed 5.2 AM115 AM125
To Life Years This is the to-asset life in years. AM15.1 AM15.2
AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
Current Period Calc This field indicates whether AM15.1 AM15.2
Status depreciation has been calculated for the AM15.3 AM15.4
current period. AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-LIFE-CP Signed 5.3 AM115 AM125
Current Period Life This field indicates the portion of the AM15.1 AM15.2
asset life for the current period. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TRAN-ND Numeric 1 AM115 AM125
Transaction Number The number of decimal positions defined AM15.1 AM15.2
of Decimals for the transaction currency. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-DEPR-CP Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
Current Period This is the current period depreciation AM15.1 AM15.2
Depreciation amount for the book. This amount AM15.3 AM15.4
includes only the business use, not the AM20.1 AM20.2
personal use, portion of the AM20.4 AM21.1
depreciation. AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-DEPR-CP-ALLOW Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
Current Period Depr This is the current period depreciation AM15.1 AM15.2
Allowed allowed for the book. This amount is AM15.3 AM15.4
equivalent to the full depreciation, AM20.1 AM20.2
including business and personal use. AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-DEPR-YTD Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
Year-to-Date This is the year-to-date depreciation AM15.1 AM15.2
Depreciation amount for the book. This amount AM15.3 AM15.4
includes only the business use, not the AM20.1 AM20.2
personal use, portion of the AM20.4 AM21.1
depreciation. AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-DEPR-YTD Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
To Year-to-Date This is the year-to-date depreciation AM15.1 AM15.2
Depreciation amount for the to-asset book. This AM15.3 AM15.4
amount includes only the business use, AM20.1 AM20.2
not the personal use, portion of the AM20.4 AM21.1
depreciation. AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-DEPR-YTD-ALLOW Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
Year-to-Date Depr This is the year-to-date depreciation AM15.1 AM15.2
Allowed allowed for the book. This amount is AM15.3 AM15.4
equivalent to the full depreciation, AM20.1 AM20.2
including business and personal use. AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-DEPR-YTD-OVRRD Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
Year-to-Date Depr This is the depreciation year-to-date AM15.1 AM15.2
Override override amount. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-DP-YTD-OVRD Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
To Year-to-Date This is the depreciation year-to-date AM15.1 AM15.2
Depr Override override amount for the transfer-to AM15.3 AM15.4
asset. AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-DEPR-LTD Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
Life-to-Date This is the life-to-date depreciation AM15.1 AM15.2
Depreciation amount for the book. This amount AM15.3 AM15.4
includes only the business use, not the AM20.1 AM20.2
personal use, portion of the AM20.4 AM21.1
depreciation. AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-DEPR-LTD Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
To Life-to-Date This is the life-to-date depreciation AM15.1 AM15.2
Depreciation amount for the to-asset book. This AM15.3 AM15.4
amount includes only the business use, AM20.1 AM20.2
not the personal use, portion of the AM20.4 AM21.1
depreciation. AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-DEPR-LTD-ALLOW Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
Life-to-Date Depr This is the life-to-date depreciation AM15.1 AM15.2
Allowed allowed for the book. This amount is AM15.3 AM15.4
equivalent to the full depreciation, AM20.1 AM20.2
including business and personal use. AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-LAST-CLOSE Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
Last Close This is the last closed balance for the AM15.1 AM15.2
asset book. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
First or Last Flag This field is an internal, AM15.1 AM15.2
system-maintained value used to control AM15.3 AM15.4
depreciation calculations during the AM20.1 AM20.2
first and last years of an asset's life. AM20.4 AM21.1
Valid values are: AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
F = First. This is the first in-service AM98.1
year for the asset.
M = Middle. The asset is in a year other
than the first or last.
L = Last. This is the last in-service
year for the asset.
C = Completely Depreciated. The asset no
longer participates in depreciation
P = Post Recovery. The system will
continue to depreciate the asset beyond
the original asset life.
ABA-INACT-YTD Signed 5.3 AM115 AM125
Year-to-Date This is the number of inactive months AM15.1 AM15.2
Inactivity for the book year-to-date. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-INACT-LTD Signed 7.3 AM115 AM125
Life-to-Date This is the number of inactive months AM15.1 AM15.2
Inactivity for the book life-to-date. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-SALVAGE-VALUE Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
Salvage Value This is the book salvage value of the AM15.1 AM15.2
asset at the end of the asset's life. It AM15.3 AM15.4
can be zero. AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
If the depreciation method is STL AM21.2 AM21.4
(Straight Line), the basis used for the AM500 AM551
depreciation calculation is the asset AM98.1
cost less this salvage value.
If the depreciation method is DDB
(Double Declining Balance), 125DB (125%
Declining Balance), 150DB (150%
Declining Balance), or 175DB (175%
Declining Balance), the basis used for
the depreciation calculation is the
asset cost. Depreciation is taken until
the total amount is equal to the asset
cost less this salvage value.
ABA-TO-SALV-VALUE Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
To Salvage Value This is the salvage value for the AM15.1 AM15.2
to-asset at the end of the asset's life. AM15.3 AM15.4
It can be zero. AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-BUS-PERCENT Signed 5.2 AM115 AM125
Business Percent This is the business use percentage for AM15.1 AM15.2
the asset. If the percentage is less AM15.3 AM15.4
than 100%, this is the value to be used AM20.1 AM20.2
during depreciation calculations. If AM20.4 AM21.1
this field is left blank in the asset AM21.2 AM21.4
record, the system defaults 100%. AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-BUS-PERCENT Signed 5.2 AM115 AM125
To Business Percent This is the business use percentage for AM15.1 AM15.2
the to-asset. If the percentage is less AM15.3 AM15.4
than 100%, this is the value to be used AM20.1 AM20.2
during depreciation calculations. If AM20.4 AM21.1
this field is left blank in the asset AM21.2 AM21.4
record, the system defaults 100%. AM500 AM551
Personal Use Personal use is a name for depreciation AM15.1 AM15.2
limits defined to account for the AM15.3 AM15.4
personal use of an asset. AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
A personal use code defines the personal AM21.2 AM21.4
use options that asset books use to AM500 AM551
calculate depreciation, tax credits, and AM98.1
annual depreciation limits for up to 20
years. The code is user-definable.
To Personal Use This is the personal use code for the AM15.1 AM15.2
to-asset. Personal use is a name for AM15.3 AM15.4
depreciation limits defined to account AM20.1 AM20.2
for the personal use of an asset. AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
A personal use code defines the personal AM500 AM551
use options that asset books use to AM98.1
calculate depreciation, tax credits, and
annual depreciation limits for up to 20
years. The code is user-definable.
ABA-YR1-EXP Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
First Year Expense This is the new amount to expense for AM15.1 AM15.2
the First Year Expense option. This U.S. AM15.3 AM15.4
tax option allows you to expense and not AM20.1 AM20.2
depreciate a total dollar amount for the AM20.4 AM21.1
assets of each eligible company. AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-YR1-EXP Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
To First Year This is the new first year expense AM15.1 AM15.2
Expense amount for the to-asset for the First AM15.3 AM15.4
Year Expense option. This U.S. tax AM20.1 AM20.2
option allows you to expense and not AM20.4 AM21.1
depreciate a total amount for the assets AM21.2 AM21.4
of each eligible company. AM500 AM551
ABA-TC-TABLE Alpha 10 AM115 AM125
Tax Credit Table This is a user-defined tax credit table AM15.1 AM15.2
for the asset that defines tax credit AM15.3 AM15.4
percentages and annual tax credit AM20.1 AM20.2
recapture percentages for up to twenty AM20.4 AM21.1
years. Asset books use tax credit tables AM21.2 AM21.4
to calculate tax credits. AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-TC-TABLE Alpha 10 AM115 AM125
To Tax Credit Table This is a user-defined tax credit AM15.1 AM15.2
table for the to-asset that defines tax AM15.3 AM15.4
credit percentages and annual tax credit AM20.1 AM20.2
recapture percentages for up to twenty AM20.4 AM21.1
years. Asset books use tax credit tables AM21.2 AM21.4
to calculate tax credits. AM500 AM551
ABA-TC-PROPERTY Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
Tax Credit Property If you are taking the tax credit for AM15.1 AM15.2
used property, this field contains the AM15.3 AM15.4
amount that qualifies for the tax AM20.1 AM20.2
credit. AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-TC-PROPERTY Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
To Tax Credit If you are taking the tax credit for AM15.1 AM15.2
Property used property for the to-asset, this AM15.3 AM15.4
field contains the amount that qualifies AM20.1 AM20.2
for the tax credit. AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TAX-CREDIT Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
Tax Credit This is the amount of tax credit taken AM15.1 AM15.2
for the asset. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-TAX-CREDIT Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
To Tax Credit This is the amount of tax credit taken AM15.1 AM15.2
for the to-asset. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-INS-METHOD Alpha 10 AM115 AM125
Insurance Method This is the method used to compute the AM15.1 AM15.2
insurance value of the asset. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-INS-METHOD Alpha 10 AM115 AM125
To Insurance Method This is the method used to compute the AM15.1 AM15.2
insurance value of the to-asset. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-INS-ACT-VAL Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
Insurance Actual This is the actual insurance value of AM15.1 AM15.2
Value the asset. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-INS-ACT-VAL Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
To Insurance Actual This is the actual insurance value of AM15.1 AM15.2
Value the to-asset. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-INS-CMPTD-VAL Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
Insurance Computed This is the insurance value as computed AM15.1 AM15.2
Value by the insurance method. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-INS-CMPTD Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
To Insurance This is the insurance value for the AM15.1 AM15.2
Computed Value transfer-to asset, as computed by the AM15.3 AM15.4
insurance method. AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-RPL-METHOD Alpha 10 AM115 AM125
Replacement Method This is the method to use in computing AM15.1 AM15.2
the replacement value for the asset. AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-RPL-METHOD Alpha 10 AM115 AM125
To Replacement This is the method to use in computing AM15.1 AM15.2
Method the replacement value for the AM15.3 AM15.4
transfer-to asset. AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-RPL-CMPTD-VAL Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
Replacement This is the replacement value for the AM15.1 AM15.2
Computed Value asset, computed by the replacement AM15.3 AM15.4
method. AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-TO-RPL-CMPTD Signed 15.2 AM115 AM125
To Replacement This is the replacement value for the AM15.1 AM15.2
Computed Value to-asset, computed by the replacement AM15.3 AM15.4
method. AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
ABA-DSP-YTD Signed 5.3 AM115 AM125
Dsp Ytd AM15.1 AM15.2
AM15.3 AM15.4
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.4 AM21.1
AM21.2 AM21.4
AM500 AM551
Book Currency This is the currency for the book.
Tag Number This is the asset tag, a user-defined
Asset Group This is the asset group to which the
asset belongs.
Asset Description This is the asset description.
Creation Date This is the adjustment creation date.
Creation Time This is the time the adjustment was
Creator ID This is the ID of the person who
created the adjustment.
BOOK AM15.1 AM15.2
AM15.3 AM15.4
AM154 AM170
AM190 AM192
AM20.1 AM20.2
AM20.3 AM20.4
AM20.5 AM20.6
AM21.1 AM21.2
AM21.3 AM21.4
AM21.5 AM21.6
AM225 AM30.1
AM30.2 AM30.3
AM300 AM40.1
Amasset AMASSET Not Required
Valid When ABA-ASSET != Zeroes
Amassetadj AMASSETADJ Not Required
Amastbook AMASTBOOK Required
Ambook AMBOOK Not Required