Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AM115 - Mass Additions

**Form Purpose
Run Mass Additions (AM115) to update in mass all Accounts Payable or Activity
Management interface records that are not on hold into asset records.

Updated Files

    AMACCOUNT  - Used to validate accounts. Used to store the general ledger
                 accounts that are used to create journal entries when assets
                 are processed (added, adjusted, transferred, and disposed of)
                 for an account group or for an asset type.

    AMACCTGRP  - Used to validate account groups. Used to store account group
                 records, which represent the general ledger accounts to use to
                 create journal entries when assets are processed (added,
                 adjusted, transferred, and disposed of).

    AMASSET    - Primary file updated. Used to store asset records. This file
                 also contains many of the selection and sorting fields that are
                 used for reporting.

    AMASSETADJ - Used by a common library, not by this program.


    AMASTBKADJ - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMASTBOOK  - Primary file updated. Used to store the asset book records
                 that are used to depreciate assets.

    AMASTITADJ - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMASTITEM  - Primary file updated. Used to store asset item records. Each
                 Asset Item file record has one related record in the Asset

    AMASTMXVAL - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMASTRECAP - Accessed by common library; not used by this program.

    AMASTRPAIR - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMASTTYPE  - Used to validate asset types and subtypes. Used to store asset
                 types and subtypes, which represent groupings of like assets
                 that can be used for reporting and defaulting common asset
                 definition data.

    AMAUGROUP  - Accessed by common library; not used by this program.

    AMBKHIST   -


    AMBKTEMPLT - Used to validate book template information. Used to store
                 general asset creation parameters that are used to process
                 quick asset additions with minimal keying in AM20.1 (Quick
                 Addition) and to create assets and asset books from Accounts
                 Payable and Activity Management interface information.


    AMCALENDAR - Used to verify that a calendar is set up for a specified book.


    AMCONTROL  - Checks the process release flag to see if AM115 can be run for
                 the company or if a year-end close is pending. Also used to
                 verify whether a company is used in the Asset Management

    AMCTLTRANS - Updated. Used to store general ledger transaction batch totals
                 and header information.

    AMDIVISION - Used to validate the division.

    AMINTER    - Records are deleted from this file after they have been
                 updated by running this program to create assets.

    AMLOCATION - Used to validate the location.


    AMTAXAUTH  - Used to validate tax location information. Used to store tax
                 authority information defined for locations. A value in the
                 District, County or Local, State or Province, or Country fields
                 in the Location file creates a record in this file.

    AMTEMPLATE - Used to validate template information. Contains asset template
                 information, which can be used to interface asset information
                 from the Activity Management or Accounts Payable systems.

    AMTRANS    - Primary file created by program. Used to store detailed
                 records of asset transactions that update the general ledger.


    CKPOINT    - Used for restart purposes.

    MXLISTHDR  - Accessed by common library; not used by this program.

    SYSTEMCODE - Used to determine whether the Asset Management system is a
                 remote site from the General Ledger system. If it is a remote
                 site, a CSV file is created for transferring instead of
                 interfacing directly to General Ledger.

Referenced Files

    ACACCTCAT  - Accessed by common library; used to retrieve and validate
                 account categories.

    AMASSETDSP - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMASSETTRF - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMASTBKTRF - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMASTMXVAL - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMASTRPAIR - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMBOOK     - Used to retrieve book currency information.

    AMCOMPUTE  - Used to retrieve computed method information.

    AMLOCDTL   -

    AMMETHOD   - Used to validate the method. Used to store the Lawson-defined
                 and optional user-defined methods that asset books use to
                 calculate depreciation, replacement cost, and insurance values.

    AMPUCODE   - Used to validate personal use codes. Used to store personal
                 use codes, which asset books use to calculate depreciation.

    AMPUHIS    - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMTABLEPCT - Used to retrieve percentages. Used to store user-defined
                 percent table methods that asset books use to calculate
                 depreciation, replacement cost, and insurance values.

    AMTABLETAX - Used to retrieve percentages for recapture. Used to store
                 optional tax credit table records that asset books use for
                 calculating tax credits.



    AMUOPPDS   - Used to retrieve Units of Production information. Used to
                 store user-defined annual and period units of production table
                 methods that asset books use to calculate depreciation,
                 replacement cost, and insurance values.

    CUCONV     -

    CURELAT    -

    GLADDRESS  - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    GLCGCPY    - Used to validate the company group.

    GLCHART    - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    GLCODES    - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate the company.

    LMLEASE    -


    MXOBJCAT   - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
