AR275 - Credit Exception Report
**Form Purpose
Run Credit Exception Report (AR275) to print a report of customers that have
exceeded their credit limit or have transactions that exceed a number of days
past due.
Updated Files
Referenced Files
ARAPPLIED - Determines amount of application to a payment, open item, or
credit memo.
ARCOMP - Accesses company information.
ARCUSTGRP - Used for currency relationship access for national account
ARCUSTOMER - Accesses customer information.
ARDISPUTE - Obtains dispute information.
ARDRAFTS - Accesses bill of exchange information
AROIHDR - Used to validate open item header record.
AROITEMS - Primary file accessed for open item information.
ARPAYMENT - Obtains last payment information.
ARPYMNTHDR - Obtains payment header information.
CRANALYST - Obtains credit analyst name and for sequencing.
CUCONV - Obtains currency conversion rates for national account
CURELAT - Validates currency relationships.
CUSTDESC - Obtains customer name.
GLSYSTEM - Validates part of company information.
NATACCT - Accesses national account relationships.
NATBALANCE - Accesses national account balance information.
SALESREP - Obtains sales representative name and for sequencing.
INVOKED Programs