Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


AR70.1 - Analyst Customer Review

**Form Purpose
Use Analyst Customer Review (AR70.1) to view the customers selected for
review in AR170 (Customer Review Selection) for a specific credit analyst.
Customers display by date selected.

**More Information
You can select a customer for transfer to AR70.2 (Analyst Review Detail) to
view additional customer workfile information and resolve the customer review.

Updated Files


Referenced Files

    ARCDSELECT - Primary file used by program to sort and access records.

    ARCOMP     - Validates company.

    ARCUSTGRP  - Validates customer group.

    ARCUSTOMER - Displays customer information.

    CRANALYST  - Validates analyst code.

    CUCONV     - Obtains currency information.

    CURELAT    - Obtains currency information.

    GLSYSTEM   - Validates part of company information.

    NATBALANCE - Verifies national account relationships.

AR70.2 - Analyst Review Detail

**Form Purpose
Use Analyst Review Detail (AR70.2) to view detailed information for a
customer workfile record created by AR170 (Customer Review Selection) and take
action to resolve the customer review.

**More Information
After you resolve a customer review and, if applicable, run AR161 (Dunning
Letter Print) to print a dunning letter for the customer, the workfile record
can be deleted the next time you run AR170 (Customer Review Selection).

Updated Files

    ARCDSELECT - Primary file updated by program. Updates status and dunning
                 text number.

    ARCUSTOMER - Updates customer review date, customer review code, credit
                 limit date, and hold code.

    ARDUNNING  - Validates dunning text number and update dunning text used

    HOLDCODES  - Updates hold code used flag.

    NATBALANCE - Updates review date for national account.

Referenced Files

    ARCOMMENT  - Obtains comment information.

    ARCOMP     - Validates company.

    ARCONTACTS - Displays message if additional contacts exist.

    ARCUSTGRP  - Obtains customer group information.

    CRANALYST  - Validates credit analyst code.

    CUCONV     - Obtains currency information.

    CURELAT    - Obtains currency information.

    CUSTDESC   - Use obtain customer description information.

    GLSYSTEM   - Validates part of company information.

    NATACCT    - Verifies national account relationship.

INVOKED Programs
