Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms


PR01.1 - Bank Account

**Form Purpose
Use Bank Account (PR01.1) to maintain all information regarding payroll bank
accounts, and to define additional bank accounts if needed.

**More Information
When you first define bank information for the company in the Bank form tab
in HR00.1 (Company), the system automatically creates a record in this form.

Several bank accounts can represent the balance of a single general ledger
cash account if you define multiple bank codes in PR01.2 (Bank Codes) with the
same general ledger cash account number.

Since bank accounts are not company specific, you can use the same bank
account for more than one company.

Updated Files

    BANKACCT   - The primary file maintained by this program.

Referenced Files

    BANKFILE   - Used to edit for an existing bank code tied to the bank
                 account file.


    PRCHECK    - Used to edit for an existing payment record tied to the bank
                 account file.

PR01.2 - Bank Code

**Form Purpose
Use Bank Code (PR01.2) to define additional bank codes that associate a bank
account number defined in PR01.1 (Bank Account) with a general ledger cash
account. Also use this form to make all changes to general ledger cash

Use PR01.2 (Bank Code) to To associate one bank account with multiple general
ledger cash accounts, define multiple bank codes using the same bank account
number and different general ledger cash accounts.

**More Information
When you define bank information for the company in the Lawson Human
Resources system, the system automatically creates the information in this

Updated Files

    BANKFILE   - The primary file maintained by this program.

Referenced Files

    BANKACCT   - Used to validate the bank account.

    GLINTCO    -

    PAYMASTR   -

    PRSYSTEM   - Used to validate the payroll company and process level.

INVOKED Programs
