AM12.1 - Addition Template
**Form Purpose
Use Addition Template (AM12.1) to create a template of default asset
information that you can use to add an asset quickly with Quick Addition
(AM20.1) or to interface assets from other Lawson applications. Asset addition
templates are optional if you add assets directly into the Asset Management
application. Asset addition templates are required, if you interface asset
records from other Lawson applications such as Accounts Payable, Purchase
Order, or Project and Activity Accounting, or if you add bar-coded assets from
a handheld terminal.
Note Only the template name, description, and type are required. The more
detail you enter on the Asset Detail tab, the less detail you'll need to enter
each time you add an asset. On the other hand, the less detail you enter on
the template, the more broadly you can use it.
Updated Files
AMACCOUNT - Checks for valid general ledger accounts.
AMACCTGRP - Checks for a valid account group.
AMASTTYPE - Checks for a valid type and subtype.
AMAUGROUP - Used to retrieve and validate account unit groups.
AMBKTEMPLT - Primary file. Used to store general asset creation parameters
that are used to process quick asset additions with minimal
keying in AM20.1 (Quick Addition) and to create assets and
asset books from Accounts Payable and Activity Management
interface information.
AMCONTROL - Used to store control records for the general ledger companies
that are associated with records processed in the Asset
Management system.
AMDIVISION - Checks for a valid division.
AMLOCATION - Checks for a valid location.
AMTAXAUTH - Not used. Part of the location object.
AMTEMPLATE - Primary file. Contains asset template information, which can
be used to interface asset information from the Activity
Management or Accounts Payable systems.
CKPOINT - Accessed by a common library; not used by this program.
Referenced Files
AMASSET - Used to store asset records. This file also contains many of
the selection and sorting fields that are used for reporting.
AMBOOK - Used to display the book currency code.
AMCALENDAR - Verifies that the required books are entered.
AMMETHOD - Checks that the depreciation method is valid.
AMPUCODE - Used to edit and validate personal use codes.
AMTABLETAX - Used to edit and validate tax credit tables.
GLADDRESS - Accessed by a common library; not used by this program.
GLCHART - Accessed by a common library; not used by this program.
GLSYSTEM - Referenced to validate the company.
INVOKED Programs