Removeing a role from a profile

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Posts: 281
Veteran Member
    Does anyone know of a safe way to remove a role from multiple user security profiles, without impacting anything else (other roles, groups or other settings) defined on those profiles?

    We use loadusers.xml extensively in the creation and deletion of user profiles, using a handful of standard "basic" profiles. However, we have a few obsolete roles that exist on numerous profiles. We'd like to get rid of these roles, but can not until they are no longer assigned to any user profiles.

    The problem is that several hundred of these profiles are no longer "standard". They have had roles added/deleted to fit their job responsibilities over the years. Therefore, I can not just mass assign a new, standard set of roles. I have not been able to manipulate the loadusers script to do this without impacting the other roles on the chosen profile. When I have tried to do this in the past, all roles get deleted from the designated profile.

    Has anyone found a way to accomplish this? Thank you.
    Ryan Speight
    Basic Member
    Posts: 5
    Basic Member
      We are currently running a hybrid of both LAUA and LSA security. We store all our our profile data in LDAP (Microsoft ADAM). I usually just put all of the roles in a CSV file and write a quick and dirty perl script to progromatically build an LDAP LDIF file with a series of delete statements. I am happy to help if you want to contact me,
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