Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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EE20.1 - Employee Advance

Use EE20.1 (Employee Advance) to enter and maintain unreleased employee
advances. To define manual cash payment information for an advance, choose the
Payment button to open the Payment subform. To define or maintain optional
comments for an advance, choose the Comments button to open the Comments

Updated Files

    CBBANKENT  - Validates bank.

    CBBANKINST - Validates payment code and updates used flag.

    CBCASHCODE - Validates cash code and updates used flag.

    CBCHECK    - Updates payment records.

    CBCPYCASH  - Validates company-cash code relationship.

    EEADVANCE  - Creates advance records.

    EEAPPROVAL - Validates approval code and updates used flag.

    EEMATCHING - Creates matching records if company is set up for matching.

Referenced Files

    APACCRCODE - Validates invoice accrual code.



    APCOMPANY  - Validates and displays company information.

    APCPYVND   -

    APHOLDCODE - Validates hold code.

    APINVOICE  - Validates advance number has not been used for an accounts
                 payable invoice.


    APPROCLEV  - Validates and defaults process level information.


    APVENGROUP - Validates vendor (employee).

    APVENLOC   -

    APVENMAST  - Validates and defaults vendor (employee) information.


    CBUSER     - Validates user can access cash code.

    CBUSRCLASS - Validates all users for cash code.

    EEEXPENSE  - Validates advance number has not been used for an employee


    GLCHART    -

    GLCODES    - Referenced in general ledger common routine.

    GLSYSTEM   -

    WFSETUP    -

EE20.2 - Employee Expense

Use EE20.2 (Employee Expense) to enter and maintain unreleased employee

To define additional information and defaults for an expense, choose the
Options button to open the Expense Options subform. To define optional
currency information to default on expense detail lines, choose the Currency
button to open the Distribution Currency subform. To define manual cash
payment for an expense, choose the Payment button to open the Payment subform.
To enter or maintain detail lines for an expense, choose the Detail button to
open EE20.3 (Expense Detail). To define or maintain comments for an expense,
choose the Comments button to open the Comments subform.

Updated Files

    CBBANKENT  - Validates bank.

    CBBANKINST - Validates payment code and updates used flag.

    CBCASHCODE - Validates cash code and updates used flag.

    CBCHECK    - Updates payment records.

    CBCPYCASH  - Validates company cash code.

    EEAPPROVAL - Validates approval code and updates used flag.

    EEDISTRIB  - Updates bank distribution records.

    EEEXPENSE  - Creates employee expense records.

    EEMATCHING - Creates matching records if company has matching.

    EEUAVAL    -


    JBOOKHDR   -

Referenced Files

    APACCRCODE - Validates invoice accrual code.



    APCOMPANY  - Retrieves company information.

    APCPYVND   -

    APHOLDCODE - Validates hold code.

    APINVOICE  - Validates expense number has not been used for an accounts
                 payable invoice.


    APPROCLEV  - Validates process level.


    APVENGROUP - Validates vendor (employee).

    APVENLOC   -

    APVENMAST  - Validates and defaults vendor (employee) information.


    CBUSER     - Validates user can access cash code.

    CBUSRCLASS - Validates all users for cash code.

    EEADVANCE  - Validates advance record.

    GLADDRESS  - Retrieves company information.

    GLCHART    -

    GLCODES    - Validates posting date availability.

    GLINTCO    - Validates intercompany relationship.

    GLSYSTEM   - Validates general ledger company.



    WFSETUP    -

EE20.3 - Expense Detail

Use EE20.3 (Expense Detail) to enter and maintain detail lines for an
employee expense. After you add an employee expense in EE20.2 (Employee
Expense), you are automatically transferred to this form.

To override default information for an expense detail line, choose the "*"
button to open the Distribution Options subform.

Note: The expense currency field is used to easily enter non-base currency
expense detail lines only. All other reports and forms show expense detail in
the company base currency. Use the Drill Around feature to display expense
detail line amounts in the company base currency. Use this information if you
need help balancing the total detail line amounts to the total amounts defined
for the expense report in EE20.2 (Employee Expense).

Updated Files

    EECATEGORY - Validates and updates category record.

    EEDISTRIB  - Creates expense distributions.

    EEEXPENSE  - Validates and updates employee expense records.

    EEUAVAL    -



    TXTAXCODE  - Validates tax code.

    TXTAXTABLE - Validates tax table.

Referenced Files

    ACACTGRP   -


    ACBUDDTL   -


    ACBUDHDR   -

    ACCOMMIT   -

    ACMASTER   -


    ACTRANS    -

    APACCRCODE - Validates invoice accrual code.

    APCOMPANY  - Retrieves company information.


    APPROCLEV  - Defaults process level information.

    APVENGROUP - Validates vendor (employee).

    APVENMAST  - Validates and defaults vendor (employee) information.

    CUCONV     - Retrieves current currency exchange rate.

    CURELAT    - Validates currency relationship.


    GLADDRESS  - Validates general ledger company.

    GLCHART    - Referenced in general ledger common routine.

    GLINTCO    - Validates intercompany relationship.

    GLSYSTEM   - Validates general ledger company.


    TXTAXRATE  - Validates tax rate for tax code.

EE20.4 - Employee Payback

Use EE20.4 (Employee Payback) to enter and maintain unreleased employee
paybacks. Cash paybacks are used to record cash that an employee returns to
the company for an unused advance amount. You must match paybacks and expenses
to advances if your accounts payable company has Matching selected in the
Employee Expense Reconciliation field in AP00.4 (Company).

To define additional information for a payback, choose the Options button to
open the Options subform. To define or maintain comments for a payback, choose
the Comments button to open the Comments subform.

Updated Files

    CBBANKENT  - Validates bank.

    CBBANKINST - Validates payment code and updates used flag.

    CBCASHCODE - Validates cash code and updates used flag.


    EEAPPROVAL - Validates and updates approval code.

    EEDISTRIB  - Creates expense distribution for employee payback.

    EEEXPENSE  - Creates employee expense records.

    EEMATCHING - Creates matching records if company has matching.

    JBOOKHDR   -

Referenced Files

    APACCRCODE - Validates invoice accrual code.


    APCOMPANY  - Validates and displays company information.

    APCPYVND   -

    APHOLDCODE - Validates hold code.

    APINVOICE  - Validates payback number has not been used for an accounts
                 payable invoice.


    APPROCLEV  - Validates and defaults process level information.


    APVENGROUP - Validates vendor (employee).

    APVENLOC   -

    APVENMAST  - Validates and defaults vendor (employee) information.


    CBUSER     - Validates user can access cash code.

    CBUSRCLASS - Validates all users for cash code.

    EEADVANCE  - Validates payback number has not been used for an employee

    EECATEGORY - Validates category.


    GLCHART    - Referenced in general ledger common routine.

    GLCODES    - Validates posting date availability.

    GLSYSTEM   - Validates general ledger company.



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