We have a custom flow that will inactivate a work assignment. However, when inactivating a work assignment for an employee with two (2) positions it does not remove the employee from the inactivated position. The employee is still visible to the "old" manager even though their work assignment is activate.
I've run some tests and see the SupervisorChartNode on the WorkAssignment clas is populated when I think it should be blank. However, I have tried initiating numerous Actions against anything that looks like an update to supervisors. Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance for your input.
The update is occuring via the InactivateWA service and the update is occuring through the action. There is no direct updating of fields.
Here is the action request:
_dataArea="" & _module="la" & _objectName="ActionRequest" & _actionName="" & _actionType="CreateUpdateDelete" & ActionRequest="" & _runAsUser="" & _authenticatedUser=""
where SetAction = CompleteInProcess