A number of years back, we brought in a consultant to assist bringing up some vendors on EDI. It was really more a matter "horsepower", compared to a "technical" assignment, but I was certainly willing to pick his brain while he was available. The biggest learning I got out of it was the use of the asterisk (*) as a wildcard. So, as an example, if we had a line set up as
tpid_I_VENDOR | 123456789 | *
all incoming accounts for a specific GSID/tpid would translate to the same vendor (123456789, in the example). (Remedial, I am sure, but we used to 'translate' every account number explicitly. Yes, we don't always work smarter.)
Well, now we are trying to solver for the same GSID/tpid being able to translate into two possible vendors (think McKesson Pharm and McKesson Blood Plasma, or some of the Bard entities). If the account numbers are unique between the entities, no worries; but if the two sides use the same account number, the ED40 will only translate against the first line that it sees as a match. Somehow this got me back to the use of wildcards. The question: Can the ED40 use "qualified" wildcards? Now my examples are:
tpid_I_VENDOR | 123456789 | *MCK
tpid_I_VENDOR | 234567890 | *MBP
tpid_I_VENDOR | 123456789 | MCK*
tpid_I_VENDOR | 234567890 | MPB*
Honestly, I have not solved for how I am going to get these qualified values inbound from the supplier (either some GHX Connect+ trickery or assistance from the vendor), but I figured if the ED40 was not going to be able to help, I wasn't going to spend a good deal of time on that piece.
I appreciate any help you have to offer.