When cycle counting a location , how many bin ID groups are allowed? In our current structure we have up to 33 sections in one row. Example: H010001-H337007.
We are having difficulty freezing the whole row at one time. Our applications analyst was told, by Infor , that only 20 sections (H010001-H200001) can be frozen. In the past we were able to freeze the entire row of 33 sections. Any help you could give us would be great.
Thank you for your time.
For cycle counting by movement class you can set which items you want to count more or less often by assigning movement class 1, 2 or 3- 1 being the high movers and 3 being the low movers. I run IC151 to assign the classes to the items in inventory. Based on cycle counting twice a week we set the days between counts and max number of items to count like this.