- IC270
I have tried waiting for an extended period of time because the handheld updates every couple of minutes. Unfortunately, I still receive the same error message on the handheld.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you, John
Hmmmm.... I'm running out of ideas. I wonder if there's a disconnect now because the location wasn't added to MSCM at the time IC270 was run. Try running IC270 again or maybe unfreeze (IC179) the items and re-run both IC170 and IC270 again. Maybe MSCM will pick up the cycle count now that the location has been added.
I'm isolated from the exact location, but it is on the MSCM server in a file called mscm_server.log
If you don't have file access to that server, your IT folks should be able to give you access with a shared folder.
Hi, I am unable to view the cycle count as well. I see the location listed, and do notice a difference between the locations that are being counted, and the (inventory) location I want to do a cycle count on.
The attached screen shots shows 99068 location, we currently do par counting/ordering on this location. The WHSE location we do not do par counting/ordering on, but we want to do cycle counts.
Some of the options are grey'd out, so not sure I can change??
Hi, assigned to me as a location to count in MSCM?
I tried to assign it to the warehouse staff as a par location in MSCM but it is not listed in the par location list.
Version 10 does look very different, in version 9 On the screen where locations are assigned to users. The warehouse is not listed as an option. So must be the way the location is set up, (see screens on previous post). I am not sure what I should/can change on the location to make it available for cycle counts.