Vendors created in AP10
All vendors that are created in AP10 will be associated to Accounts Payable. Modifications to AP10
vendors can only be completed in AP10.These vendors can also be flagged as Type = Misc. Receiving
and/or Carrier.
You can configure all vendors from AP10 with a PO10 record to be automatically flagged as a
Misc Receiving Vendor type.
The application default is configured NOT to designate all Vendors with a PO10 record as misc receiving
vendors. To change the default configuration, open the file in an ASCII editor
and locate the following section.
## RAD Miscellaneous Receiving Vendor Setting ##
# Set to 1 to mark all PO Receiving Vendors (PO10) as Misc Receiving Vendors
# Set to 0 to not mark all PO Receiving Vendors (PO10) as Misc Receiving Vendors
Change the flag= value to 1 to make the application default that all PO Receiving Vendors are Misc
Receiving Vendors. Save the file.