Punchout and ESP upgrade

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    We have punchout in test and Prod. Our unix Admin created a new environment to test and I we are trying to point punchout to the new test environment. Is there a configurations file like rqcconfig.xml or mscm properties file for punchout?  Where can I find the settings file?

    New Member
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      We are on a windows environment, but there are two files you have to make changes to.  rqc_config.xml and the dispatchPO_config.xml



      Scott Perrier
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 39
      Veteran Member
        the path to the punchout server is defined in the rqc_config.xml. Depending on your version of RQC, for version 10.0.4 it resides on the punchout section under the remotePunchOutServer setting. Prior versions of RQC, it resided in the server section.

        The test punchout server is redirected back to a lawson application server. You will need to change that redirection to to the new test server.