Does anyone have any insight as to why when a req is entered and released that it splits into multiple purchase orders? Is there a fix?
Sorry - I misread your question and most of my answer is more relevant to the notion of forcing multiple reqs to combine.
Let me try again
In addition to multiple vendors on the same req, one other option might be related to line-level approval; if an approver only approves part of a req, that req could slip through independent of the remainder of the req. Another reason is the PO100 "max number of lines on a PO"
All the stuff I wrote about the Single Doc to a PO and Location Control is not relevant to this discussion, but I am leaving the comment as it might help you to understand how to allow reqs to combine.
Same vendor on the req. For example - we had a Mentor Breast Implant req split into three separate POs. I do not see the line limitation field populated. Could it be something else?