I work in an environment where no tolerances are set within Lawson.
That means if a $10,000.00 order, for product or service is off, even by 1 cent, a change order is required.
Recent events have made this no tolerance policy questioned.
What do others have their tolerance settings at?
Are there any statistics out there that show having no tolerance is not cost efficient?
Thank you.
Thanks for your quick reply.
Followup question- what if you bought a piece of hardware or equipment for $20,000.00. Would that 2 cents still apply?
Hi Jon,
We are looking at resetting our AP tolerances and we are looking at doing 4% with a $20 threshold. Any thoughts on why you went with a straight dollar tolerance vs using a % and $?
Thanks for the response Kat, So you only went with a $ threshold, would you mind sending me a snapshot of how you have it set up?
Thanks & Happy Holidays -Ike