IC25.1 - Document Release
**Form Purpose
Use Document Release (IC25.1) to view and release documents set up for the
following transaction types: adjustments (AJ), receipts (RC), issues (IS), bin
transfers (BT), transfers (IR), and intransit receivings (RT). You can release
multiple documents at once for these transaction types. Document data
displayed in this form include document ID, document total, transaction
date/time, general ledger posting date, and the number of transaction lines.
**More Information
To release document(s), select the Inquire form action to view documents for
a specific transaction type. Then, select the Change form action and Release
line action to release selected document(s). When documents are released to
the Inventory Control application, stock-on-hand quantities are updated
If you want to view and review transaction detail before you release a
document, select the line action X and the Transfer form action. This form
transfers you to the selected form. This process lets you review and adjust
transactions as many times as necessary before they are updated to inventory.
Note: The general ledger posting date indicates which general ledger period
to post transactions for a document. Transactions are passed to the General
Ledger by running IC130 (General Ledger Interface) and posted through the
General Ledger application.
Updated Files
CKPOINT - This file is used in the event of a program or system failure
to enable a batch update program to continue from where it left
ICACTIVITY - Detail file maintained by program.
ICCOMPANY - Used to validate company number.
ICLOT - Updated when an item is lot tracked.
ICRECEIPTS - Created or updated by this program for tracking costs.
ICTRANS - Used to update inventory quantities. Status is updated when a
is released.
ICTRANSDTL - Used to update inventory quantities. Status is updated when a
is released.
ITEMLOC - Quantities are updated when a document is released.
ITSERIAL - Updated when an item is serial number tracked.
RQTRANS - This file is the history of all deliveries for all
SOHDETAIL - Quantities are updated when a document is released. Used to
that stock exists for any issue type transaction.
WHDEMAND - The Demand file contains all the records that the Warehouse
system needs for processing demands.
Referenced Files
CUCONV - Used in a Currency conversion common routine.
GLCODES - Used in a General Ledger common routine.
GLSYSTEM - Used in a General Ledger common routine.
ICBIN - Used to validate bins entered.
ICCATEGORY - Used to retrieve account information.
ICLOCATION - Used to validate location.
ITEMMAST - Used to validate item master records and retrieve defaults.
INVOKED Programs