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                              SHIPTO FILE

                        Customer Ship To Address

The Customer Ship To Address file stores customer ship to information,
including the  ship-to address and specific order processing rules for the
ship-to location.  Any customer can have multiple ship-to records set up and
one ship to can be defined as a default.


AR08.1    AR10.1    AR501     AR550     BL121     BL125
BL202     BL290     BL320     BL80.1    BL90.1    BLI2.1
IC02.1    OE112     OE16.1    OE230     OE260     OE280
OE281     OE291     OE330     OE60.1    OE80.1    OE80.2
OE80.3    OE80.4    OE80.5    OE81.1    OE85.1    OE86.1
OE90.1    OE90.2    SA03.1    SA100     SA300     SA80.2
SA90.2    TX40.1    WH130     WH132     WH140     WH190
WH21.2    WH210     WH224     WH225     WH30.1    WH30.2
WH30.3    WH30.4    WH31.1    WH31.2    WH31.3    WH31.4
WH32.1    WH32.2    WH32.3    WH32.4    WH33.5    WH34.1
WH34.2    WH34.3    WH34.4    WH40.1    WH40.2    WH520


BL02.1    BL120     BL122     BL130     BL20.1    BL20.3
BL21.2    BL21.5    BL29.1    BL29.2    BL520     BL802
BL820     BL92.1    OE10.1    OE10.2    OE10.3    OE10.4
OE10.5    OE10.6    OE10.7    OE10.8    OE11.1    OE11.4
OE11.8    OE11.9    OE110     OE111     OE113     OE114
OE116     OE129     OE13.2    OE13.3    OE13.5    OE13.6
OE14.4    OE30.1    OE30.2    OE30.3    OE30.4    OE30.5
OE30.6    OE30.7    OE30.9    OE510     OE530     OE810
OE830     TX140     WH20.7


SHP-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 BL02.1  BL802
Element: Company       Identifies the AP company if the
                       resource type = V.  Identifies the HR
                       company if the resource type = E.  It is
                       blank for type A, P or Q resources.

SHP-CUSTOMER           Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                BL02.1  BL802
Element: Customer NumbeCustomer number representing a unique

SHP-SHIP-TO            Numeric 4                                 BL02.1  BL802
Element: Ship-to Code  User-defined code identifying a
                       customer's ship-to number.

SHP-NAME               Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    BL02.1  BL290
Element: Name          This field displays the ship to's         BL320   BL80.1
                       address name.                             BL802   OE230
                                                                 OE260   OE280
                                                                 OE281   OE30.1
                                                                 OE60.1  SA03.1
                                                                 SA100   WH21.2

SHP-ADDR1              Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    BL02.1  BL80.1
Element: Address 1     First line of address information for a   BL802
                       customer's ship-to location.

SHP-ADDR2              Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    BL02.1  BL80.1
Element: Address 1     Second line of address information for    BL802
                       a customer's ship-to location.

SHP-ADDR3              Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    BL02.1  BL80.1
Element: Address 1     Third line of address information for a   BL802
                       customer's ship-to location.

SHP-ADDR4              Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    BL02.1  BL80.1
Element: Address 1     Fourth line of address information for    BL802
                       a customer's ship-to location.

SHP-CITY               Alpha 18  (Lower Case)                    BL02.1  BL80.1
Element: City          City name of a customer's ship-to         BL802

SHP-STATE              Alpha 2                                   BL02.1  BL80.1
Element: State or ProviState abbreviation of a customer's        BL802
                       ship-to location.

SHP-ZIP                Alpha 10                                  BL02.1  BL80.1
Element: Postal Code   Zip code of a customer's ship-to          BL802

SHP-COUNTRY            Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    BL02.1  BL80.1
Element: Country or OthCountry name for a customer's ship-to     BL802

SHP-COUNTY             Alpha 25  (Lower Case)                    BL02.1  TX140
Element: County        The county for the company address.

SHP-TAX-EXEMPT-CD      Alpha 1                                   BL02.1  BL802
Element: Tax Exempt CodCode indicating the taxing status of a
                       customer's ship-to location. If a
                       customer ship-to is defined as exempt,
                       any order placed for this ship-to
                       location will be exempt regardless of
                       the taxing status of the item ordered.
                       E = Exempt
                       T = Taxable

SHP-TAX-CODE           Alpha 10                                  BL02.1  BL802
Element: Tax Code      A user-defined code representing the      TX140
                       tax authorities this ship-to pays sales
                       tax to. Tax codes are set up in the Tax

SHP-FREIGHT-CODE       Alpha 2                                   BL02.1  BL802
Element: Freight Code  Freight code indicating if a freight
                       charge is to be assessed for orders
                       placed using this ship-to location.
                       Freight codes are set up in the Billing

SHP-CARRIER            Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                BL02.1  BL202
Element: Vendor ID     This field contains the carrier vendor    BL802
                       number. Must be a valid vendor in the
                       Accounts Payable system.

SHP-BRK-CHRG-FL        Alpha 1                                   BL02.1  BL802
Element: All Flag      This flag indicates whether this
                       customer ship-to is subject to broken
                       case charges.
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

SHP-BACK-ORD-FL        Alpha 1                                   BL02.1  BL802
Backorders Allowed     Flag indicating whether backorders are
Flag                   allowed when placing orders for this
                       ship-to location.
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

SHP-SHIP-COMP-FL       Alpha 1                                   BL02.1  BL802
Element: Ship Comp Fl  Flag indicating if orders for this
                       customer ship-to must only be shipped
                       when the order is completely filled. If
                       Yes is selected, the orders can only be
                       shipped when all lines on the order can
                       be shipped in total together.
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

SHP-PK-PRIORITY        Numeric 2                                 BL02.1
Element: Picking Priority

SHP-POD-REQ-FL         Alpha 1                                   BL02.1  BL802
Element: Pod Req Fl    POD required flag. Indicates whether
                       this customer's ship-to requires that a
                       Proof of Delivery form accompany the
                       shipment. The shipment will not be
                       billed until the POD form is returned or
                       the POD grace period expires.
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

SHP-POD-GRACE-PER      Numeric 3                                 BL02.1  BL802
Element: Age Periods   Number of days from the shipment date
                       after which POD shipments are billed
                       automatically even if the POD is not

SHP-DEF-LOCATION       Alpha 5                                   BL02.1  BL802
Element: Location Code Default location from which the items
                       on orders placed for this customer
                       ship-to should be allocated, picked, and

SHP-DEF-METHOD         Alpha 10                                  BL02.1  BL802
Default Method for     Default method indicating how orders
Ship-to                placed for this customer ship-to should
                       be shipped. Method prints on the
                       invoice, BL122 (Invoice and Register

SHP-USED-FL            Alpha 1                                   BL02.1  BL120
Element: Used          Flag indicating whether this ship-to      BL122   BL130
                       location has ever been used.              BL20.1  BL20.3
                       N = No                                    BL21.2  BL21.5
                       Y = Yes                                   BL29.1  BL29.2
                                                                 BL520   BL802
                                                                 BL820   BL92.1
                                                                 OE10.1  OE10.2
                                                                 OE10.3  OE10.4
                                                                 OE10.5  OE10.6
                                                                 OE10.7  OE10.8
                                                                 OE11.1  OE11.4
                                                                 OE11.8  OE11.9
                                                                 OE110   OE111
                                                                 OE113   OE114
                                                                 OE116   OE129
                                                                 OE13.2  OE13.3
                                                                 OE13.5  OE13.6
                                                                 OE14.4  OE30.1
                                                                 OE30.2  OE30.3
                                                                 OE30.4  OE30.5
                                                                 OE30.6  OE30.7
                                                                 OE30.9  OE510
                                                                 OE530   OE810
                                                                 OE830   WH20.7

SHP-ACTIVE-FLAG        Alpha 1                                   BL02.1  BL802
Element: Status        This flag indicates the active or
                       inactive status of this ship-to code.
                       A = Active
                       I = Inactive

SHP-TERRITORY          Alpha 4                                   BL02.1  BL802
Element: Sales TerritorSales territory in which this customer
                       ship-to location is located.

SHP-SALESMAN           Numeric 4                                 BL02.1  BL802
Element: Salesman NumbeSales representative for this customer
                       ship-to location.

SHP-SALESMAN-2         Numeric 4                                 BL02.1  BL802
Element: Salesman NumbeSecondary sales representative for this
                       customer ship-to location.

SHP-COMM-SPLIT         Percent 5.3  (Percent)                    BL02.1  BL802
Commission Split       Percentage of the total order value
Percentage             used as the basis for the second sales
                       representative's commission.

SHP-TERMS-CD           Alpha 5                                   BL02.1  BL802
Element: Terms Code    Payment terms code established for this
                       customer ship-to number. Terms codes are
                       set up in the Terms system and determine
                       the due date of the invoices produced
                       for orders placed for this ship-to.

SHP-LIST-NAME          Alpha 14                                  BL02.1  BL802
Element: List Name     Name of the price list that will be
                       used to price items ordered for this
                       customer ship-to.

SHP-LAST-CMNT-SEQ      Numeric 3
Element: Sequence NumbeThis is the sequence number identifying
                       the last comment line tied to the
                       customer ship-to.

SHP-SHIP-TO-EDI        Alpha 16                                  BL02.1  BL802
Element: Ship To Edi   Used to cross reference the Lawson
                       ship-to number used on EDI transactions
                       if different.

SHP-COUNTRY-CODE       Alpha 2                                   BL02.1  BL802
Element: Country Code  The country code.  Required for VAT and
                       intrastat reporting.  Must be defined in
                        IN01.1 (Country Maintenance).

SHP-REGION             Alpha 2                                   BL02.1
Element: Region Code   The region code, if applicable for the
                       country. Used by Intrastat. Must be
                       defined in IN02.1 (Region Maintenance)

SHP-E-MAIL-ADDRESS     Alpha 60  (Lower Case)
Element: Email Address

SHP-VENDOR             Alpha 9  (Right Justified)                BL02.1
Element: Vendor ID     The vendor's identification code.

SHP-PURCH-FR-LOC       Alpha 4                                   BL02.1
Purchase From          The vendor's purchase from location.
Location Code

SHP-EC-CTRY-NBR        Numeric 3                                 BL02.1
Element: Ec Ctry Nbr   The European Community Country number;
                       leave blank if not a member of the
                       European Community.

SHP-ISO-CTRY-NBR       Numeric 3                                 BL02.1
Element: Iso Ctry Nbr  The ISO country number.

SHP-FOB-CODE           Alpha 3                                   BL02.1
Element: Shipping Term The user defined Free On Board Code.

SHP-PORT-CD            Alpha 5                                   BL02.1
Element: Port Cd       The Intrastat port code.  Must be
                       in IN04.1 (Port Maintenance)

                         SHIPTO FILE INDEX


SHPSET1   COMPANY                                                AR08.1  AR10.1
          CUSTOMER                                               AR501   AR550
          SHIP-TO                                                BL02.1  BL120
                                                                 BL121   BL122
                                                                 BL125   BL130
                                                                 BL20.1  BL20.3
                                                                 BL20.5  BL20.6
                                                                 BL202   BL21.2
                                                                 BL21.5  BL29.1
                                                                 BL29.2  BL290
                                                                 BL320   BL520
                                                                 BL80.1  BL802
                                                                 BL820   BL90.1
                                                                 BL92.1  BLI2.1
                                                                 IC02.1  OE10.1

SHPSET2   COMPANY       Subset                                   BL02.1  IC02.1
          CUSTOMER      Where SHIP-TO-EDI != Spaces              OE510

                         SHIPTO FILE RELATIONS



Ap Company     APCOMPANY    Required
                            When SHP-CARRIER != Spaces

                            SHP-COMPANY         -> CPY-COMPANY

Arcomp         ARCOMP       Required

                            SHP-COMPANY         -> ACO-COMPANY

Arcustgrp      ARCUSTGRP    Required

                            ACO-CUST-GROUP      -> ACG-CUST-GROUP

Arcustomer     ARCUSTOMER   Required

                            SHP-COMPANY         -> ACM-COMPANY
                            SHP-CUSTOMER        -> ACM-CUSTOMER

Carrier        APVENMAST    Required
                            When SHP-CARRIER != Spaces

                            CPY-VENDOR-GROUP    -> VEN-VENDOR-GROUP
                            SHP-CARRIER         -> VEN-VENDOR

Custdesc       CUSTDESC     Required

                            ACO-CUST-GROUP      -> CUD-CUST-GROUP
                            SHP-CUSTOMER        -> CUD-CUSTOMER

Freight Code   OEFRTCODE    Required
                            When SHP-FREIGHT-CODE != Spaces

                            SHP-COMPANY         -> OFR-COMPANY
                            SHP-FREIGHT-CODE    -> OFR-FRT-CODE

Location       ICLOCATION   Required
                            When SHP-DEF-LOCATION != Spaces

                            SHP-COMPANY         -> ICL-COMPANY
                            SHP-DEF-LOCATION    -> ICL-LOCATION

Method         OEMETHOD     Required
                            When SHP-DEF-METHOD != Spaces

                            SHP-COMPANY         -> OMT-COMPANY
                            SHP-DEF-METHOD      -> OMT-METHOD

Oecompany      OECOMPANY    Required

                            SHP-COMPANY         -> OEC-COMPANY

Oefrtcode      OEFRTCODE    Required
                            When SHP-FREIGHT-CODE != Spaces

                            SHP-COMPANY         -> OFR-COMPANY
                            SHP-FREIGHT-CODE    -> OFR-FRT-CODE

Salesrep1      SALESREP     Required
                            When SHP-SALESMAN != Zeroes

                            SHP-COMPANY         -> SAW-COMPANY
                            SHP-SALESMAN        -> SAW-SALESMAN

Salesrep2      SALESREP     Required
                            When SHP-SALESMAN-2 != Zeroes

                            SHP-COMPANY         -> SAW-COMPANY
                            SHP-SALESMAN-2      -> SAW-SALESMAN

Tax Code       TXTAXCODE    Required
                            When SHP-TAX-CODE != Spaces

                            SHP-COMPANY         -> TAC-COMPANY
                            SHP-TAX-CODE        -> TAC-TAX-CODE

Terms          TERMS        Required
                            When SHP-TERMS-CD != Spaces

                            SHP-TERMS-CD        -> TMS-TERMS-CD

Territory      TERITORY     Required
                            When SHP-TERRITORY != Spaces

                            SHP-COMPANY         -> TRY-COMPANY
                            SHP-TERRITORY       -> TRY-TERRITORY

Txtaxcode      TXTAXCODE    Required
                            When SHP-TAX-CODE != Spaces

                            SHP-COMPANY         -> TAC-COMPANY
                            SHP-TAX-CODE        -> TAC-TAX-CODE