Lawson Software

Lawson Insight Technical Documentation

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AM500 - Asset Management Interface

**Form purpose
Use Asset Management Interface (AM500) to interface asset information from a
non-Lawson application to the LAWSON INSIGHT II Asset Management application.
This conversion program converts the asset, item, asset book, asset attribute,
and asset transaction information from the following: Asset Conversion
(AMASSETCNV), Asset Item Conversion (AMASTITCNV), Asset Book Conversion
(AMASTBKCNV), Asset Transaction Conversion (AMASTTRCNV), and Asset Attribute
Conversion (AMASTMXCNV). The asset, item, and book files must be converted at
the same time. The attribute and transaction files can both be converted at
the same time as the other files, or can each be converted separately.

Before you run this program, you must format and import your non-Lawson files
into each Lawson conversion file you want to convert.

**Required fields
You must select a company, a company group, or a lease for which you want to
run this program.  You must select one and only one of these fields.

**Process at a glance
1.  Format each non-Lawson file you want to convert as a
comma-separated-value (CSV) file.  The fields in each file must match the
fields in the Lawson database file into which it will be imported. At a
minimum, you must create the three following files that must always be
processed at the same time:
-  An asset file matching the fields in AMASSETCNV,
-  An asset item file matching the fields in AMASTITCNV, and
-  An asset book file matching the fields in AMASTBKCNV

    Optionally, you can create the two following files that can be both
processed concurrently with the three others, or each processed separately at
a later time.
-  An asset transaction file matching the fields in AMASTTRCNV
-  An attribute matrix file matching the fields in AMASTMXCNV

    The file layouts for the Lawson interface files are available on the Web.
See your Lawson representative for more information.

2.  Transfer each non-Lawson file to the target machine, using a transfer
utility program (such as the winptxfr or ftp command). When you transfer the
non-Lawson file, you may need to rename the file for use in the Lawson system.
For example, if you are transferring an asset file named Previous Asset.csv
from your PC, you could use the following command:
    winptxfr -u prevasset c:\\Data\\Previous Asset.csv
    where prevasset is the name you assign to the file in the Lawson

3.  Load each transferred file into the appropriate Lawson interface file,
using an Import command.  For example, to load the prevasset file from the
previous example, use this command:
    importdb productline AMASSETCNV prevasset
    where productline is the Lawson product line where your Asset Management
data is stored.

4.  Display and edit the data for each Lawson interface file as follows:
-  To display AMASSETCNV data, use Asset Interface Adjustment (AM96.1).
-  To display AMASTITCNV data, Asset Book Interface Adjustment (AM98.1).
-  To display AMASTBKCNV data, Item Interface Adjustment (AM97.1).
-  To display AMASTTRCNV data, Transaction Interface Adjustment (AM93,1).
-  To display AMASTMXCNV data, Attribute Interface Adjustment (AM94.1).

5.  (This step) Run Asset Management Interface (AM500) to load the asset
information into the Asset Management application. Once asset records are
interfaced successfully, they are deleted from the Lawson interface file and
exist as unreleased records in the Asset Management application.

- To produce a report of interfaced asset data, without actually interfacing
the data, select N (No) in the Release field. To actually interface the data,
select Y (Yes). It is highly recommended to first run the report with this
field set to No.

- You can select the files to be interfaced.  The default is to interface all
files. You can also select to interface only the Asset, Asset Item, and Asset
Book files (which must always be interfaced together), or you can interface
only the Attributes file, or only the Asset Transaction file.  You can
interface the Attribute file or the Asset Transaction file only after you have
interfaced their corresponding asset, item, and asset book records.

- You can type the maximum number of errors the program can encounter before
it stops processing.  The default number is 100.

**More help
Once you have interfaced asset data successfully, the records are deleted
from the interface files, and they exist in the Asset Management database in
an unreleased state. You can use Additions and Adjustments (AM20.2), Leased
Asset Addition and Adjustment (AM21.2), Items (AM20.3 or AM21.3), or Books
(AM20.4 or AM21.4) to edit and release the assets online, or  Processing
Release (AM170) to release the assets in batch.

Interfaced transaction records exist only as historical records in the
AMTRANS, AMBKTRANS, AMBKHIST, and AMBKHISX files. They are not interfaced to
the General Ledger.

Updated Files

    AMACCOUNT  - Used to validate accounts.

    AMACCTGRP  - Used to validate account groups.

    AMASSET    - Primary file updated. Used to store asset records. This file
                 also contains many of the selection and sorting fields that are
                 used for reporting.

    AMASSETADJ - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMASSETCNV - Records are deleted from this file after they are updated to
                 the Asset file.

    AMASSETGRP - Used to validate asset groups.

    AMASTBKADJ - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMASTBKCNV - Records are deleted from this file after they are updated to
                 the Asset Book file.

    AMASTBOOK  - Primary file updated. Used to store the asset book records
                 that are used to depreciate assets. Also used to validate and
                 retrieve asset book information.

    AMASTITADJ - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMASTITCNV - Records are deleted from this file after they are updated to
                 the Asset Item file.

    AMASTITEM  - Primary file updated. Used to store asset item records. Each
                 Asset Item file record has one related record in the Asset

    AMASTMXCNV - Primary file updated.

    AMASTMXVAL - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMASTRECAP - Accessed by common library; not used by this program.

    AMASTRPAIR - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMASTTRCNV - Records are deleted from this file after they are converted.

    AMASTTYPE  - Used to retrieve and validate asset type information.

    AMAUGROUP  - Used to validate and retrieve AMAUGROUP information. This file
                 is used to store information on accounting unit groups, which
                 group and identify the accounting units to use when you create
                 journal entries for processing assets.

    AMBKHIST   - Primary file updated to store book history.

    AMBKHISTX  - Primary file updated to store period asset book history.

    AMBKTRANS  - Primary file updated to store asset book transaction.

    AMCALENDAR - Used to retrieve and validate period-end dates.


    AMCNVASSET - Created by program as a cross reference between the conversion
                 number and the asset number that was created.

    AMCONTROL  - Used to verify that there are no year-end closes pending for
                 the company.

    AMCTLTRANS - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMDIVISION - Used to validate division information.

    AMLOCATION - Used to validate location information.


    AMTAXAUTH  - Used to verify tax information. Used to store tax authority
                 information defined for locations. A value in the District,
                 County or Local, State or Province, or Country fields in the
                 Location file creates a record in this file.

    AMTRANS    - Primary file updated to store asset transactions.

    AMTRANSUMM - Primary file updated with summary records of asset

    CKPOINT    - Used for restart purposes.

    MXLISTHDR  - Used to validate attribute list header information.

    MXOBJCAT   - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    SYSTEMCODE - Used by a common library, not by this program.

Referenced Files

    AMASSETDSP - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMASSETTRF - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMASTBKTRF - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMASTRPAIR - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMBOOK     - Used to verify book information. Used to store the asset book
                 records that are used to depreciate assets.

    AMCOMPUTE  - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMLOCDTL   -

    AMMETHOD   - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMPUCODE   - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMPUHIS    - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMTABLEPCT - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMTABLETAX - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    AMUOPPDS   - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    CUCONV     -

    CURELAT    -

    GLADDRESS  - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    GLCGCPY    - Used to validate the company group.

    GLCHART    - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    GLCODES    - Used by a common library, not by this program.

    GLSYSTEM   - Used to validate the company.

    LMLEASE    -


    MXCATDEF   - Used to retrieve attribute definition information.

    MXELEMENT  - Used to retrieve attribute element information.

    MXVALIDATE - Used to retrieve MXVALIDATE information.

    WFSETUP    -

INVOKED Programs
