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ERDs Tables Elements Libraries App Forms

                             APPLICANT FILE


The Applicant file contains information on applicants.


HAPL.1    HR00.1    HR01.1    HR15.1    HR170     HR30.1
HR515     HR70.1    HREF.1    HS50.1    HS50.2    HS50.5
HS51.1    HS51.2    HS52.1    HS52.2    PA135     PA149
PA19.1    PA231     PA232     PA233     PA234     PA235
PA236     PA238     PA239     PA240     PA241     PA242
PA243     PA244     PA248     PA249     PA263     PA272
PA33.1    PA349     PA37.1    PA43.1    PA43.2    PA44.1
PA45.1    PA49.1    PA49.3    PA533     PA549     PA63.1
PA65.1    PA65.2    TR120     TR121     TR20.1    TR20.2
TR20.3    TR22.1    TR500     PR197     HAP2.1    HAP3.1


HR90.1    PA120     PA31.1    PA32.1    PA39.1    PA40.1
PA41.1    PA531


APL-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   PA31.1  PA39.1
Company              Contains the company number which           PA40.1  PA531
                     represents an established company.

APL-APPLICANT        Numeric 9                                   PA31.1  PA39.1
Applicant            Contains the applicant's number. The        PA40.1  PA531
                     number correlates all information about
                     the applicant.

APL-LAST-NAME        Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA43.1
Last Name            Contains the applicant's last name.         PA531

APL-FIRST-NAME       Alpha 15  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA43.1
First Name           Contains the applicant's first name.        PA531

APL-MIDDLE-NAME      Alpha 15  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Middle Name          Contains the applicant's middle name.

APL-MIDDLE-INIT      Alpha 1                                     PA31.1  PA43.1
Middle Initial       Contains the applicant's middle initial.    PA531

APL-NICK-NAME        Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Nick Name            Contains the applicant's nickname.

APL-ADDR1            Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Address 1            Contains the first line of the
                     applicant's address.

APL-ADDR2            Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Address 2            Contains the second line of the
                     applicant's address.

APL-ADDR3            Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Address 3            Contains the third line of the
                     applicant's address.

APL-ADDR4            Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Address 4            Contains the fourth line of the
                     applicant's address.

APL-CITY             Alpha 18  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
City                 Contains the city of the applicant's

APL-STATE            Alpha 2                                     PA31.1  PA531
State or Province    Contains the state of the applicant's

APL-ZIP              Alpha 10                                    PA31.1  PA531
Postal Code          Contains the postal code of the
                     applicant's address.

APL-HM-PHONE-CNTRY   Alpha 6                                     PA31.1  PA531
Home Phone Country   Contains the prefix of the applicant's
Code                 home telephone.

APL-HM-PHONE-NBR     Alpha 15                                    PA31.1  PA531
Home Phone Number    Contains the applicant's home telephone

APL-WK-PHONE-CNTRY   Alpha 6                                     PA31.1  PA531
Work Phone Country   Contains the prefix of the applicant's
Code                 work telephone number.

APL-WK-PHONE-NBR     Alpha 15                                    PA31.1  PA531
Work Phone Number    Contains the applicant's work telephone

APL-WK-PHONE-EXT     Alpha 5                                     PA31.1  PA531
Work Phone Extension Contains the extension of the
                     applicant's work telephone number.

APL-FAX-COUNTRY      Alpha 6                                     PA31.1  PA531
Fax Country Code     Contains the prefix of the fax number.
                     For example, the country or city code.

APL-FAX-NBR          Alpha 15                                    PA31.1  PA531
Fax Number           Contains the applicant's fax telephone

APL-FAX-EXT          Alpha 5                                     PA31.1  PA531
Fax Extension Number This field contains the fax number

APL-DATE-HIRED       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       PA31.1  PA531
Hire Date            Contains the date the applicant was

APL-APP-STATUS       Alpha 2                                     PA31.1  PA531
Applicant Status     Contains the applicant's status.

APL-FICA-NBR         Alpha 15                                    PA31.1  PA531
Social Security      Contains the applicant's Social
Number               Security number.

APL-DATE-APPLIED     Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       PA31.1  PA531
Date Applied         Contains the date the applicant applied.

APL-HIRE-SOURCE      Alpha 10                                    PA31.1  PA531
Hire Source          Indicates how the applicant found out
                     about job. This must be valid in the
                     Human Resource Codes file.

APL-REF-LST-NAME     Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Referred By Last     Contains the last name of the employee
Name                 who referred the applicant.

APL-REF-FST-NAME     Alpha 15  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Referred By First    Contains the first name of the employee
Name                 who referred the applicant.

APL-REF-MID-INIT     Alpha 1                                     PA31.1  PA531
Referred By Middle   Contains the middle initial of the
Initial              employee who referred the applicant.

APL-FINDERS-FEE      Numeric 10                                  PA31.1  PA531
Finders Fee          Contains the finders fee.

APL-PREV-APPLY       Alpha 1                                     PA31.1  PA531
Previously Applied   Indicates whether the applicant
                     previously applied with company.
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

APL-PREV-LOCATION    Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Where                Contains the location to which the
                     applicant previously applied.

APL-PREV-DATE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       PA31.1  PA531
When                 Contains the date the applicant
                     previously applied.

APL-PREV-EMPLOY      Alpha 1                                     PA31.1  PA531
Previously Employed  Indicates whether the applicant
                     previously worked for the company.
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes

APL-PREV-EMP-NBR     Numeric 9                                   PA31.1  PA531
Employee Number      Contains the applicant's previous
                     employee number.

APL-PREV-LOC-WORK    Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Where                Contains the applicant's previous work

APL-PREV-BEG-DATE    Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       PA31.1  PA531
When - Begin Date    Contains the beginning date of the
                     applicant's previous employment.

APL-PREV-END-DATE    Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       PA31.1  PA531
When - End Date      Contains the ending date of the
                     applicant's previous employment.

APL-RATING           Alpha 10                                    PA31.1  PA531
Rating               Contains applicant rating codes.

APL-FORMER-LST-NM    Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Former Last Name     Contains the former last name of the

APL-FORMER-FST-NM    Alpha 15  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Former First Name    Contains the former first name of the

APL-FORMER-MI        Alpha 1                                     PA31.1  PA531
Former Middle        Contains the former middle initial of
Initial              the applicant.

APL-PREV-ADDR1       Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Previous Address 1   Contains the first line of the
                     applicant's previous address.

APL-PREV-ADDR2       Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Previous Address 2   Contains the second line of the
                     applicant's previous address.

APL-PREV-ADDR3       Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Previous Address 3   Contains the third line of the
                     applicant's previous address.

APL-PREV-ADDR4       Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Previous Address 4   Contains the fourth line of the
                     applicant's previous address.

APL-PREV-CITY        Alpha 18  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
City                 Contains the city of the applicant's
                     previous address.

APL-PREV-STATE       Alpha 2                                     PA31.1  PA531
State or Province    Contains the state of the applicant's
                     previous address.

APL-PREV-ZIP         Alpha 10                                    PA31.1  PA531
Postal Code          Contains the postal code of the
                     applicant's previous address.

APL-PREV-CNTRY-CD    Alpha 2                                     PA31.1  PA531
Prev Cntry Cd        Contains the country code for the
                     applicant's previous address.

APL-EEO-CLASS        Alpha 4  (Lower Case)                       PA31.1  PA531
EEO Class            Contains the applicant's EEO-class.

APL-SEX              Alpha 1                                     PA31.1  PA531
Gender               Contains the applicant's sex.
                     F = Female
                     M = Male
                     X = Not Disclosed

APL-AGE-FLAG         Alpha 1                                     PA31.1  PA531
Age                  Indicates whether the applicant is
                     between the ages of 18 and 70.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

APL-HANDICAP-ID      Alpha 1                                     PA31.1  PA531
Disability           Indicates whether the applicant is
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No
                     X = Not Disclosed

APL-JOB1             Alpha 9                                     PA31.1  PA531
Primary Job Code     Contains the job code of the
                     applicant's first job choice.

APL-JOB2             Alpha 9                                     PA31.1  PA531
Secondary Job Code   Contains the job code of the
                     applicant's second job choice.

APL-JOB3             Alpha 9                                     PA31.1  PA531
Tertiary Job Code    Contains the job code of the
                     applicant's third job choice.

APL-BEG-PAY          Signed 11.2                                 PA31.1  PA531
Beginning Pay        Contains the minimum expected pay.

APL-END-PAY          Signed 11.2                                 PA31.1  PA531
Ending Pay           Contains the maximum expected pay.

APL-DATE-AVAIL       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       PA31.1  PA531
Date Available       Contains the date the applicant is
                     available to begin work.

APL-VETERAN          Alpha 1                                     PA31.1  PA531
Veteran              Indicates whether the applicant is a
                     1 = Veteran
                     2 = Disabled Veteran
                     3 = Vietnam Era Veteran
                     4 = Vietnam Era Disabled Veteran
                     N = No
                     Y = Yes
                     X = Not Disclosed

APL-DRAFT-STATUS     Alpha 3                                     PA31.1  PA39.1
Bill of Exchange     Contains the user-defined draft status.     PA531

APL-FINAL-RANK       Alpha 3                                     PA31.1  PA39.1
Final Military Rank  Contains the applicant's final military     PA531

APL-CUR-STATUS       Alpha 2                                     PA31.1  PA39.1
Current Status       Indicates the applicant's current           PA531
                     military status.
                     NG = National Guard
                     RE = Reserves

APL-LAST-PHYSICAL    Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       PA31.1  PA40.1
Last Physical Date   Contains the date of the last physical      PA531

APL-WK-RST-CODE1     Alpha 10                                    PA31.1  PA40.1
Work Restriction     Contains the first work restriction         PA531
Code 1               code for the applicant.

APL-WK-RST-CODE2     Alpha 10                                    PA31.1  PA40.1
Work Restriction     Contains the second work restriction        PA531
Code 2               code for the applicant.

APL-WK-RST-CODE3     Alpha 10                                    PA31.1  PA40.1
Work Restriction     Contains the third work restriction         PA531
Code 3               code for the applicant.

APL-WK-RST-CODE4     Alpha 10                                    PA31.1  PA40.1
Work Restriction     Contains the fourth work restriction        PA531
Code 4               code for the applicant.

APL-RESUME           Alpha 1                                     PA31.1  PA531
Resume Received      Indicates whether the applicant's
                     resume has been received.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

APL-LAST-COM-SEQ     Numeric 4                                   HR90.1  PA31.1
Last Comment         Contains the last sequence number used      PA531
Sequence Number      for the Personnel Comments file.

APL-LAST-REF-SEQ     Numeric 4                                   PA31.1  PA32.1
Last Reference       Contains the last sequence number used      PA531
Sequence Nmbr        for references.

APL-LAST-INT-SEQ     Numeric 4                                   PA31.1  PA41.1
Last Interview       Contains the last sequence number used      PA531
Sequence Number      for interviews.

APL-LAST-MIL-SEQ     Numeric 4                                   PA31.1  PA39.1
Last Military        Contains the last sequence number used      PA531
Sequence Number      for military service record.

APL-LAST-EPC-SEQ     Numeric 4                                   PA31.1  PA531
Last Emp Code        Contains the last sequence number used
Sequence Number      for employee codes.

APL-POSITION1        Alpha 12                                    PA31.1  PA531
Primary Position     Contains the first position in which
Number               the applicant is interested.

APL-POSITION2        Alpha 12                                    PA31.1  PA531
Secondary Position   Contains the second position in which
Number               the applicant is interested.

APL-POSITION3        Alpha 12                                    PA31.1  PA531
Tertiary Position    Contains the third position in which
Number               the applicant is interested.

APL-PROCESS-LEVEL    Alpha 5                                     PA31.1  PA531
Process Level        Contains the process level the
                     applicant is associated with.

APL-EMP-STATUS       Alpha 2                                     PA31.1  PA531
Employee Status      Contains the employee status that
                     indicates whether the applicant wants to
                     work full-time, part-time, seasonal,
                     temporary, and so on.

APL-WORK-SCHED       Alpha 10                                    PA31.1  PA531
Work Schedule        Contains the work schedule that
                     indicates when the applicant wants to

APL-SEC-LVL          Numeric 1                                   PA31.1  PA531
Security Level       This field is not used. It is for
                     future security enhancements.

APL-SEC-LOCATION     Alpha 10                                    PA31.1  PA531
Security Location    This field is not used. It is for
                     future security enhancements.

APL-NBR-FTE          Signed 4.3                                  PA31.1  PA531
Full Time            Contains the FTE (Full-Time
Equivalent Number    Equivalency) factor that indicates the
                     percent of annual hours the applicant
                     wants to work. For example, if the
                     applicant wants to work full-time, this
                     field is 1.

APL-PIN              Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Pin                  Contains the applicant personal ID
                     number. This is used for Employee

APL-ELIG-WORK        Alpha 1                                     PA31.1  PA531
Elig Work            Indicates whether the applicant is
                     eligible to work in the United States.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

APL-TRAV-AVAIL       Alpha 1                                     PA31.1  PA531
Trav Avail           Indicates whether the applicant is
                     available for travel.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

APL-TRAV-PCT         Numeric 3                                   PA31.1  PA531
Trav Pct             Indicates the percentage the applicant
                     is available for travel.

APL-RELOC-AVAIL      Alpha 1                                     PA31.1  PA531
Reloc Avail          Indicates whether the applicant is
                     available for relocation.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

APL-OT-AVAIL         Alpha 1                                     PA31.1  PA531
Ot Avail             Indicates whether the applicant is
                     available for overtime.
                     Y = Yes
                     N = No

APL-EMAIL-ADDRESS    Alpha 60  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Email Address        Contains the applicant's email address.

APL-DATE-STAMP       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       PA31.1  PA531
Date Stamp           This field contains the server date
                     (month, date, and year) of the last
                     change to this record.

APL-TIME-STAMP       Numeric 6  (hhmmss)                         PA31.1  PA531
Time Stamp           Contains the server time (hour, minute,
                     and second) when the record was last

APL-USER-ID          Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
User ID Name         Contains the user ID of the person who
                     last changed this record.

APL-EMPLOYEE         Numeric 9                                   PA31.1  PA531
Employee             Contains the name of the employee to
                     contact when the applicant is hired.

APL-CURRENCY-CODE    Alpha 5                                     PA31.1  PA531
Currency Code        Contains the currency in which the pay
                     is recorded.

APL-CURR-ND          Numeric 1                                   PA31.1  PA531
Currency Number of   Represents the number of decimals
Decimals             defined for the currency of the object.

APL-COUNTRY-CODE     Alpha 2                                     PA31.1  PA531
Country Code         Contains the country of the applicant's

APL-BIRTHDATE        Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       PA31.1  PA531
Date of Birth        Contains the applicant's birthdate.

APL-LANGUAGE-CODE    Alpha 10                                    PA31.1  PA531
Language Code        Contains the applicant's language, if
                     other than the company's default

APL-NAME-PREFIX      Alpha 4  (Lower Case)                       PA31.1  PA531
Name Prefix          Contains the applicant's title.

APL-NAME-SUFFIX      Alpha 4  (Lower Case)                       PA31.1  PA531
Name Suffix          Contains the applicant's name suffix.

APL-DISABILITY       Alpha 10                                    PA31.1  PA531
Disability           Indicates the type of disability the
                     applicant has.

APL-BASE-BEG-PAY     Signed 11.2                                 PA31.1  PA531
Base Beg Pay         Contains the applicant's beginning pay
                     (of the previous job) in the company's
                     base currency.

APL-BASE-END-PAY     Signed 11.2                                 PA31.1  PA531
Base End Pay         Contains the applicant's ending pay (of
                     previous job) in the company's base

APL-BASE-CURRENCY    Alpha 5                                     PA31.1  PA531
Base Currency        Contains the company base currency.

APL-BASE-ND          Numeric 1                                   PA31.1  PA531
Base Number Of       The number of decimal positions defined
Decimals             for the company base currency.

APL-BASE-FEE         Numeric 10                                  PA31.1  PA531
Base Fee             Contains the finder's fee in the
                     company's base currency.

APL-CURR-CODE-2      Alpha 5                                     PA31.1  PA531
Report Currency 2    Contains the currency in which the
Code                 finder's fee is recorded.

APL-CURR-CODE-ND-2   Numeric 1                                   PA31.1  PA531
Curr Code Nd 2       The number of decimal positions defined
                     for Report Currency 2.

APL-RELIGION         Alpha 10                                    PA31.1  PA531
Religion             Contains the applicant's religion.

APL-LAST-NAME-PRE    Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                      PA31.1  PA531
Last Name Pre

APL-CONSENT          Alpha 1                                     PA31.1  PA531
Consent              N = No
                     Y = Yes
                     " " = No

APL-LAST-PRE         Derived
Last Pre

APL-LAST-SUF         Derived
Last Suf

APL-LAST-PRE-SUF     Derived
Last Pre Suf

Last Name Exp

APL-FIRST-MI         Derived
First Mi

APL-FIRST-MI-EXP     Derived
First Mi Exp

APL-LABEL-NAME       Derived
Label Name           Contains the applicant's name, as it
                     should appear on labels.

APL-LABEL-ADDR       Derived
Label Address        Contains the applicants address as it
                     should appear on labels.

APL-FULL-NAME        Derived
Full Name            Contains the applicant's full name.

APL-SHORT-NAME       Derived
Short Name           Contains the applicant's short name.

APL-COUNTY           Alpha 25  (Lower Case)
County               The county for the company address.

APL-LABEL-NAME-1     Derived
Label Name 1

                         APPLICANT FILE INDEX


APLSET1   COMPANY                                                HAPL.1  HR00.1
          APPLICANT                                              HR01.1  HR15.1
                                                                 HR170   HR30.1
                                                                 HR515   HR70.1
                                                                 HR90.1  HREF.1
                                                                 HS50.1  HS50.2
                                                                 HS50.5  HS51.1
                                                                 HS51.2  HS52.1
                                                                 HS52.2  PA120
                                                                 PA135   PA149
                                                                 PA19.1  PA231
                                                                 PA232   PA233
                                                                 PA234   PA235
                                                                 PA236   PA238
                                                                 PA239   PA240

APLSET2   COMPANY       KeyChange                                HAP2.1  PA231

APLSET3   COMPANY       KeyChange                                HAP3.1  PA31.1
          FICA-NBR                                               PA531

APLSET4   COMPANY       KeyChange, Subset
          EMPLOYEE      Where EMPLOYEE != Zeroes

                         APPLICANT FILE RELATIONS



App Status     EMSTATUS     Required
                            When APL-APP-STATUS != Spaces

                            APL-COMPANY          -> EMS-COMPANY
                            APL-APP-STATUS       -> EMS-EMP-STATUS

Base Currency  CUCODES      Required
                            When (APL-CURRENCY-CODE != Spaces )

                            APL-BASE-CURRENCY    -> CUC-CURRENCY-CODE

Company        PRSYSTEM     Required

                            APL-COMPANY          -> PRS-COMPANY
                            Spaces               -> PRS-PROCESS-LEVEL

Country        INSTCTRYCD   Required
                            When (APL-COUNTRY-CODE != Spaces )

                            APL-COUNTRY-CODE     -> INT-COUNTRY-CODE

Currency       CUCODES      Required
                            When (APL-CURRENCY-CODE != Spaces )

                            APL-CURRENCY-CODE    -> CUC-CURRENCY-CODE

Currency2      CUCODES      Required
                            When APL-CURR-CODE-2 != Spaces

                            APL-CURR-CODE-2      -> CUC-CURRENCY-CODE

Disability     PCODES       Required
                            When APL-DISABILITY != Spaces

                            "DI"                 -> PCO-TYPE
                            APL-DISABILITY       -> PCO-CODE

Emp Status     EMSTATUS     Required
                            When APL-EMP-STATUS != Spaces

                            APL-COMPANY          -> EMS-COMPANY
                            APL-EMP-STATUS       -> EMS-EMP-STATUS

Employee       EMPLOYEE     Required
                            When APL-EMPLOYEE != Zeroes

                            APL-COMPANY          -> EMP-COMPANY
                            APL-EMPLOYEE         -> EMP-EMPLOYEE

Hire Source    PCODES       Required
                            When APL-HIRE-SOURCE != Spaces

                            "HS"                 -> PCO-TYPE
                            APL-HIRE-SOURCE      -> PCO-CODE

Job1           JOBCODE      Required
                            When APL-JOB1 != Spaces

                            APL-COMPANY          -> JBC-COMPANY
                            APL-JOB1             -> JBC-JOB-CODE

Job2           JOBCODE      Required
                            When APL-JOB2 != Spaces

                            APL-COMPANY          -> JBC-COMPANY
                            APL-JOB2             -> JBC-JOB-CODE

Job3           JOBCODE      Required
                            When APL-JOB3 != Spaces

                            APL-COMPANY          -> JBC-COMPANY
                            APL-JOB3             -> JBC-JOB-CODE

Prev Country   INSTCTRYCD   Required
                            When (APL-PREV-CNTRY-CD != Spaces )

                            APL-PREV-CNTRY-CD    -> INT-COUNTRY-CODE

Process Level  PRSYSTEM     Required
                            When APL-PROCESS-LEVEL != Spaces

                            APL-COMPANY          -> PRS-COMPANY
                            APL-PROCESS-LEVEL    -> PRS-PROCESS-LEVEL

Rating         PCODES       Required
                            When APL-RATING != Spaces

                            "AR"                 -> PCO-TYPE
                            APL-RATING           -> PCO-CODE

Religion       PCODES       Not Required
                            Valid When APL-RELIGION != Spaces

                            "RE"                 -> PCO-TYPE
                            APL-RELIGION         -> PCO-CODE

Wk Rst Code1   PCODES       Required
                            When APL-WK-RST-CODE1 != Spaces

                            "WR"                 -> PCO-TYPE
                            APL-WK-RST-CODE1     -> PCO-CODE

Wk Rst Code2   PCODES       Required
                            When APL-WK-RST-CODE2 != Spaces

                            "WR"                 -> PCO-TYPE
                            APL-WK-RST-CODE2     -> PCO-CODE

Wk Rst Code3   PCODES       Required
                            When APL-WK-RST-CODE3 != Spaces

                            "WR"                 -> PCO-TYPE
                            APL-WK-RST-CODE3     -> PCO-CODE

Wk Rst Code4   PCODES       Required
                            When APL-WK-RST-CODE4 != Spaces

                            "WR"                 -> PCO-TYPE
                            APL-WK-RST-CODE4     -> PCO-CODE

Work Schedule  PCODES       Required
                            When APL-WORK-SCHED != Spaces

                            "WS"                 -> PCO-TYPE
                            APL-WORK-SCHED       -> PCO-CODE

                         APPLICANT FILE RELATIONS



Ce Comments    PACOMMENTS   Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> PAC-COMPANY
                            1                    -> PAC-EMP-APP
                            "CE"                 -> PAC-CMT-TYPE
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> PAC-EMPLOYEE
                            Spaces               -> PAC-JOB-CODE
                            Spaces               -> PAC-ACTION-CODE
                            Zeroes               -> PAC-LN-NBR

Certificates   EMPCODES     Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> EPC-COMPANY
                            "CE"                 -> EPC-TYPE
                            1                    -> EPC-EMP-APP
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> EPC-EMPLOYEE

Competency     EMPCODES     Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> EPC-COMPANY
                            1                    -> EPC-EMP-APP
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> EPC-EMPLOYEE

Correspondence HRCORRESP

                            APL-COMPANY          -> HCP-COMPANY
                            "2"                  -> HCP-REQ-TYPE
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> HCP-ID-NBR
                            Zeroes               -> HCP-DEPENDENT

Ed Comments    PACOMMENTS   Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> PAC-COMPANY
                            1                    -> PAC-EMP-APP
                            "ED"                 -> PAC-CMT-TYPE
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> PAC-EMPLOYEE
                            Spaces               -> PAC-JOB-CODE
                            Spaces               -> PAC-ACTION-CODE
                            Zeroes               -> PAC-LN-NBR

Education      EMPCODES     Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> EPC-COMPANY
                            "ED"                 -> EPC-TYPE
                            1                    -> EPC-EMP-APP
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> EPC-EMPLOYEE

Employers      APPJOBHIST   Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> AJH-COMPANY
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> AJH-APPLICANT

Ethnicity      HRCTRYCODE
                            Valid When APL-EEO-CLASS != Spaces

                            "ET"                 -> CTC-TYPE

Ge Comments    PACOMMENTS   Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> PAC-COMPANY
                            1                    -> PAC-EMP-APP
                            "GE"                 -> PAC-CMT-TYPE
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> PAC-EMPLOYEE
                            Spaces               -> PAC-JOB-CODE
                            Spaces               -> PAC-ACTION-CODE
                            Zeroes               -> PAC-LN-NBR

Hist Err       HISTERR      Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> HER-COMPANY
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> HER-EMPLOYEE

Interview Date INTERVIEW    Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> ITV-COMPANY
                            1                    -> ITV-EMP-APP
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> ITV-APPLICANT

Interviews     INTERVIEW    Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> ITV-COMPANY
                            1                    -> ITV-EMP-APP
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> ITV-APPLICANT

Iv Comments    PACOMMENTS   Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> PAC-COMPANY
                            1                    -> PAC-EMP-APP
                            "IV"                 -> PAC-CMT-TYPE
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> PAC-EMPLOYEE
                            Spaces               -> PAC-JOB-CODE
                            Spaces               -> PAC-ACTION-CODE

Jh Comments    PACOMMENTS   Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> PAC-COMPANY
                            1                    -> PAC-EMP-APP
                            "JH"                 -> PAC-CMT-TYPE
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> PAC-EMPLOYEE
                            Spaces               -> PAC-JOB-CODE
                            Spaces               -> PAC-ACTION-CODE

Job History    APPJOBHIST   Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> AJH-COMPANY
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> AJH-APPLICANT
                            Zeroes               -> AJH-EMPLOYEE

Job Interest   PAJOBINTRS   Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> PJI-COMPANY
                            1                    -> PJI-EMP-APP
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> PJI-EMPLOYEE

Jobauth        JOBAUTH      Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> JBA-COMPANY
                            1                    -> JBA-EMP-APP
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> JBA-EMPLOYEE

Md Comments    PACOMMENTS   Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> PAC-COMPANY
                            1                    -> PAC-EMP-APP
                            "MD"                 -> PAC-CMT-TYPE
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> PAC-EMPLOYEE
                            Spaces               -> PAC-JOB-CODE
                            Spaces               -> PAC-ACTION-CODE
                            Zeroes               -> PAC-LN-NBR

Mi Comments    PACOMMENTS   Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> PAC-COMPANY
                            1                    -> PAC-EMP-APP
                            "MI"                 -> PAC-CMT-TYPE
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> PAC-EMPLOYEE
                            Spaces               -> PAC-JOB-CODE
                            Spaces               -> PAC-ACTION-CODE
                            Zeroes               -> PAC-LN-NBR

Military       MILITARY     Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> MIL-COMPANY
                            1                    -> MIL-EMP-APP
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> MIL-EMPLOYEE

Name Prefix    HRCTRYCODE
                            Valid When APL-NAME-PREFIX != Spaces

                            "PR"                 -> CTC-TYPE
                            APL-NAME-PREFIX      -> CTC-HRCTRY-CODE

Name Suffix    HRCTRYCODE
                            Valid When APL-NAME-SUFFIX != Spaces

                            "SU"                 -> CTC-TYPE
                            APL-NAME-SUFFIX      -> CTC-HRCTRY-CODE

Position1      PAPOSITION   Required
                            When APL-POSITION1 != Spaces

                            APL-COMPANY          -> POS-COMPANY
                            APL-POSITION1        -> POS-POSITION

Position2      PAPOSITION   Required
                            When APL-POSITION2 != Spaces

                            APL-COMPANY          -> POS-COMPANY
                            APL-POSITION2        -> POS-POSITION

Position3      PAPOSITION   Required
                            When APL-POSITION3 != Spaces

                            APL-COMPANY          -> POS-COMPANY
                            APL-POSITION3        -> POS-POSITION

Ref Name       REFERENC     Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> REF-COMPANY
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> REF-APPLICANT

References     REFERENC     Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> REF-COMPANY
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> REF-APPLICANT

Relocation     EMPCODES     Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> EPC-COMPANY
                            "RL"                 -> EPC-TYPE
                            1                    -> EPC-EMP-APP
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> EPC-EMPLOYEE

Requisitions   PAREQAPP     Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> PRA-COMPANY
                            1                    -> PRA-EMP-APP
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> PRA-APPLICANT

Rl Comments    PACOMMENTS   Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> PAC-COMPANY
                            1                    -> PAC-EMP-APP
                            "RL"                 -> PAC-CMT-TYPE
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> PAC-EMPLOYEE
                            Spaces               -> PAC-JOB-CODE
                            Spaces               -> PAC-ACTION-CODE
                            Zeroes               -> PAC-LN-NBR

Sk Comments    PACOMMENTS   Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> PAC-COMPANY
                            1                    -> PAC-EMP-APP
                            "SK"                 -> PAC-CMT-TYPE
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> PAC-EMPLOYEE
                            Spaces               -> PAC-JOB-CODE
                            Spaces               -> PAC-ACTION-CODE
                            Zeroes               -> PAC-LN-NBR

User Fields    HREMPUSF     Delete Cascades

                            APL-COMPANY          -> HEU-COMPANY
                            1                    -> HEU-EMP-APP
                            APL-APPLICANT        -> HEU-EMPLOYEE