AC530 - Activity Time Interface
**Form Purpose
Run Activity Time Interface (AC530) to update the Activity Management system
with Lawson Payroll time records (hours and amounts) before the Payroll cycle
is completed. AC530 lets you update Activity Management actual amounts before
you pay employees, so you can recognize revenue and bill activity time as it
occurs in the Activity Management system, and not be delayed by the pay
frequency (weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, or monthly). Transactions created by
this program cannot be changed in AC55.1 (Activity Transaction Edit), AC70.3
(Transfer), or AC70.4 (Write Down). You can put them on hold in AC70.1
(Revenue Billing Adjustments).
**Processing Effect
This program creates Activity Transaction (ACTRANS) records by reading the
Lawson Payroll Employee Time Records (TIMERECORD) file. The program backs out
Payroll commitments, if they exist.
To limit the activities you update, enter an activity group, up to six
activities, or an activity list. To limit the time records you select, enter a
Payroll company, process level, and a time record through-date.
You can override the annual hours defined on the Payroll company by entering
annual hours on the batch parameters screen. Annual hours are required to
calculate standard rates for salaried employees. A posting date is required.
This date updates the posting date on the Activity Transaction (ACTRANS)
record created by this program.
Entering an attribute is optional. If you are updating records for Time and
Materials billing, you might want to display the labor attribute defined on
the Labor Rate Schedule to make verification easy for non-update editing.
Entry of attributes is only for printing on the report layout. It does not
determine the attributes assigned to the transactions. Attributes for the
transactions are defined by source code PW on GL05.1 (Source Code).
Updated Files
ACCOMMIT - Updates the commitment record by subtracting amount which are
no longer
commitment and deleting the record when it totals zero.
ACCOMMITX - Updates the commitment detail record by deleting detail data
which is no longer considered a commitment.
ACMXVAL - Updates this file with the billing attributes and values.
ACTRANS - This is the primary file maintained by the program.
Transaction records are created based on data from the
Timerecord file.
CKPOINT - Used for restart capability.
MXLISTHDR - Updates the Last Build Time and Last Build Date fields on this
MXLISTMBR - Updates the new activities included in the list.
TIMERECORD - This file is the primary source of data for this program. An
object ID may be returned to it and the AC-UPDATED field is
flagged as yes to prevent the record from being posted twice.
Referenced Files
ACACCTCAT - References this file to validate the account category.
ACACCTCATX - References this file to validate that the account category is
assigned to the activity group or activity.
ACACTGRP - References this file to validate the activity group.
ACACTIVITY - References this file to validate the activity and retrieve the
activity information.
ACACTMXVAL - References this file to validate activity attributes and
ACAMCODE - References this file to validate activity asset.
ACASSIGN - References this file to validate resources assigned to an
ACBILL - References this file to determine if time and materials are
billable. This program requires a labor attribute to access the
billing rate schedule if an hours transaction is entered.
ACBILLX - References this file to determine if time and materials are
billable. This program requires a labor attribute to access the
billing rate schedule if an hours transaction is entered.
ACBLRATE - References this file to determine if time and materials are
billable and to determine if a billing rate exists for the
labor attribute entered.
ACBLRATEX - References this file to determine if time and materials are
billable and to determine if a billing rate exists for the
labor attribute entered.
ACCUSTOMER - References this file to validate the activity customer.
ACLEVEL - References this file to determine if the activity is summary
level or posting.
ACUOM - References this file to validate the UOM code and determine if
it is a unit or hours type.
EMPLOYEE - Reference this file to validate the employee information.
GLADDRESS - Reference this file to validate the accounting unit address.
GLCHART - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this
GLSYSTEM - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this
JOBCODE - Reference this file as the primary default for the annual
MXCATDEF - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this
MXELEMENT - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this
MXLISTDTL - References this file to validate list parameters.
MXOBJCAT - This file is used by a common routine that is used by this
PRSYSTEM - Reference this file to validate the process level and return a
INVOKED Programs