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BN150 - Life Insurance Reportable Income

Run BN150 (Life Insurance Reportable Income) to calculate the cost of excess
employee and dependent life insurance for each employee.

You can calculate the cost of excess life insurance annually, each month, or
on a pay period basis.

The Benefits system performs calculations based on the coverage and
contributions in effect on the As of Date. You can create a time record for
each employee to update taxable wages. The time record represents the cost of
excess life insurance for the reporting period.

For information on how BN150 calculates excess life insurance, see the
Benefits Procedures Manual.

Updated Files

    ACCOMMIT   - The Activity Commitments file is updated when time record are
                 updated with account information.

    ACCOMMITX  - The Activity Commitments Detail file is updated when time
                 records are updated with account information.

    CKPOINT    - The Check Point file is used to allow recovery.

    EMDEDMASTR - The Employee Deduction file is accessed by this report.

    EMPLOYEE   - The Employee file updates the insurance cost amount.



    PRBATCH    - The Payroll Time Record Batch Header file updates time record
                 batch numbers.

    PRSYSTEM   - The HR Company and Process Levels file is used to verify
                 company information.

    PRTAXLOC   -

    TIMERECORD - The Employee Time Records file is used for creating time
                 records for the cost of excess coverage in employee and
                 dependent life plans.

    TIPPAY     - Records in the Employee Tip Pay file are deleted when the time
                 record is deleted.


    TRSGBLCK   -

Referenced Files

    ACACCTCAT  - The Activity Account Category file is accessed to retrieve the
                 account categories.

    ACACTGRP   - The Activity Group file is accessed to verify that activity
                 groups exist.

    ACACTIVITY - The Activity file is accessed.

    ATTENDCODE - The Attendance Code file is accessed by this report.

    BENEFIT    - The Employee Benefit file contains employee benefit records
                 for all benefit types.

                 The Employee Benefit file is used to verify employees covered
                 under group term life plans, start and stop dates, coverage
                 amounts, and employee paid premiums.

    BNCOMPANY  - The Benefit Company Parameters file updates the last month and
                 year for which the report was run.

    BNCOVERAGE - The Benefits Coverage file is accessed to verify employee
                 coverage exists for Dependent Life types.

    DEDCODE    - The Deduction file is accessed by this report.

    DEPTCODE   - The Department file is used to verify departments.


    EMDEPEND   - The Employee Dependent file is used to identify dependents.

    EMDISTMAST - The Emp Acct Distribution Override file is used to determine
                 pay distribution for time record creation.

    EMSTATUS   - The Employee/Applicant Status file verifies employee status.

    GLADDRESS  - The General Ledger Address file is accessed to verify that
                 that accounting unit exists.

    GLCHART    - The General Ledger Chart file is used to verify charts.

    GLINTCO    -

    GLSYSTEM   - The General Ledger System file is used to verify general
                 ledger companies.

    HRDEPBEN   - The Dependent Benefits file is accessed by this report.


    HRSECLEV   - The Employee Security Level file is accessed by this report.

    JOBCODE    - The Job Code Parameters file is used to access annual hours on
                 the job code.

    ONETMDED   -

    PADICT     -

    PAEMPLOYEE - The Employee PA Information file is used to access employee

    PAEMPPOS   - The Employee Position file is accessed to retrieve the
                 position number.

    PAPOSITION - The Personnel Position Parameters file is accessed to verify
                 the position number.


    PASCRTY    -


    PAYSUMGRP  - The Pay Summary Groups File is accessed by this report.

    PBCLIENT   -

    PCODES     -


    PERSACTION - The Personnel Action file is accessed by this report.

    PERSGROUP  - The Employee Group Header file is accessed to verify employee

    PGEMPLOYEE - The Employee Group Employees file is accessed retrieve all the
                 employees in a group.

    PLAN       - The Benefit Plan file is used to verify plans flagged as group
                 term life plans.

    PRBUSGRP   -


    PRPAYCODE  - The Pay Code file is used to verify employee life and
                 dependent life pay codes.

    PRPENPAY   -

    PRPROCGRP  - The Payroll Process Group file is accessed to verify that the
                 payroll processing group exists.



    PRRATES    - The Alternate Pay Rates file is accessed by this report.

    PRSAGDTL   - The Step and Grade Schedule Detail file is used to retrieve an
                 employee's pay rate when the employee has a step and grade
                 schedule in the Payroll system.

    PRSAGHEAD  - The Step and Grade Header file is accessed by this report.



    PRSTATE    - The States file is accessed by this report.

    PRTAXAUTH  - The Tax Authority file is accessed by this report.


    PRTIME     -

    PSGRELATE  - The Pay Class/Pay Sum Grp Relation file is used to verify pay
                 summary group to pay class relationship.


    TAXGROUP   -

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