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                            PRRATEHIST FILE

                         Employee Rate History

Contains pay rate history.  Whenever an employee's pay rate is changed, a
record is created in this file reflecting the new value and the date when it
became effective.  It also includes the actual (system) date and time the
change was made and the id of the user who made the change.


BN100     BN101     BN102     BN103     BN105     BN145
BN245     BN31.1    BN31.2    BN32.1    BN32.2    BN32.3
BN45.1    BN531     BN65.1    BN71.1    BN72.1    BS13.1
BS14.1    BS15.1    BS32.1    HR105     HR170     HR70.1
PA105     PA213     PA311     HRHI.1    PA340     PA360
PA370     PA66.3    PA66.1    PA66.2    PA66.4    PA67.1
PR282     HR521     HR701     PA149     PA341     PA355


HR125     HR15.1    HR511     HR515     HR54.1    HR650
HRLO.1    HRS1.1    HRSC.1    PA113     PA125     PA502
PA513     PA54.1    PA55.1    PR13.1    PR13.5    PR13.6


PRH-COMPANY          Numeric 4                                   HR170   HR54.1
Company              The company number represents an            HR70.1  HRLO.1
                     established company and is entered on       PA54.1
                     all function codes.

PRH-EMPLOYEE         Numeric 9                                   HR170   HR54.1
Employee             Contains the employee number. Each          HR70.1  HRLO.1
                     person employed by the company is           PA54.1
                     assigned a unique number. The system
                     uses the employee number to correlate
                     all of the information related to that

PRH-BEG-DATE         Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       HR170   HR54.1
Beginning Date       Contains the date the rate became           HR70.1  HRLO.1
                     effective.                                  PA54.1

PRH-SEQ-NBR          Numeric 4                                   HR15.1  HR170
Sequence Number      If multiple records are created for the     HR511   HR515
                     same effective date (BEG-DATE) this         HR54.1  HR650
                     field will be incremented for each          HR70.1  HRLO.1
                     record for the date.                        HRS1.1  HRSC.1
                                                                 PA113   PA502
                                                                 PA513   PA54.1
                                                                 PR13.1  PR13.5
                                                                 PR13.6  PR13.8

PRH-PAY-RATE         Signed 13.4                                 HR15.1  HR170
Rate of Pay          Contains the employee's new pay rate.       HR511   HR515
                                                                 HR54.1  HR650
                                                                 HR70.1  HRLO.1
                                                                 HRS1.1  HRSC.1
                                                                 PA113   PA502
                                                                 PA513   PA54.1
                                                                 PR13.1  PR13.5
                                                                 PR13.6  PR13.8

PRH-ANNUAL-SALARY    Signed 13.4                                 HR15.1  HR170
Annual Salary        Contains the employee's new annual          HR511   HR515
                     salary.  If the employee's salary class     HR54.1  HR650
                     is "S", this value will match the Pay       HR70.1  HRLO.1
                     Rate.  If the employee's salary class is    HRS1.1  HRSC.1
                     "H", this value is computed as Pay Rate     PA113   PA502
                     X Annual Hours (from the job code           PA513   PA54.1
                     record) X the employee's FTE.               PR13.1  PR13.5
                                                                 PR13.6  PR13.8

PRH-ACT-OBJ-ID       Numeric 12                                  HR170   HR54.1
Subsystem Activity   If the change was done via a personnel      HR70.1  HRLO.1
InterfaceID          action, the record identifier of that       PA113   PA125
                     action (PERSACTHST) is stored here.         PA54.1  PA55.1

PRH-USER-ID          Alpha 10  (Lower Case)                      HR170   HR54.1
User ID Name         Contains the User Id of the individual      HR70.1  HRLO.1
                     making the change.                          PA54.1

PRH-DATE-STAMP       Numeric 8  (yyyymmdd)                       HR170   HR54.1
Date Stamp           Contains the system date when the           HR70.1  HRLO.1
                     change was entered.                         PA54.1

PRH-TIME-STAMP       Numeric 6  (hhmmss)                         HR170   HR54.1
Time Stamp           Contains the system time when the           HR70.1  HRLO.1
                     change was entered.                         PA54.1

PRH-SALARY-CLASS     Alpha 1                                     HR15.1  HR170
Salary Class         Contains the pay rate's salary class.       HR511   HR515
                     H = Hourly                                  HR54.1  HR650
                     S = Salaried                                HR70.1  HRLO.1
                                                                 HRS1.1  HRSC.1
                                                                 PA113   PA502
                                                                 PA513   PA54.1
                                                                 PR13.1  PR13.5
                                                                 PR13.6  PR13.8

PRH-POS-LEVEL        Numeric 2                                   HR170   HR54.1
Pos Level            Contains the position level.                HR70.1  HRLO.1

PRH-CURRENCY-CODE    Alpha 5                                     HR54.1  HRLO.1
Currency Code        Contains the currency in which the pay      PA54.1
                     is recorded.

PRH-CURR-ND          Numeric 1                                   HR54.1  HRLO.1
Currency Number of   Represents the number of decimals           PA54.1
Decimals             defined for the currency of the object.

PRH-BASE-CURRENCY    Alpha 5                                     HR54.1  HRLO.1
Base Currency        Contains the company's base currency.       PA54.1

PRH-BASE-ND          Numeric 1                                   HR54.1  HRLO.1
Base Number Of       The number of decimal positions defined     PA54.1
Decimals             for the company base currency.

PRH-BASE-PAY-RATE    Signed 13.4                                 HR15.1  HR511
Base Pay Rate        Contains the pay in the company's base      HR515   HR54.1
                     currency.                                   HR650   HRLO.1
                                                                 HRS1.1  HRSC.1
                                                                 PA113   PA502
                                                                 PA513   PA54.1
                                                                 PR13.1  PR13.5
                                                                 PR13.6  PR13.8

PRH-ANNUAL-HOURS     Numeric 4                                   HR15.1  HR170
Annual Hours         Contains the employee's annual hours at     HR511   HR515
                     the time of this pay rate history           HR54.1  HR650
                     record.                                     HR70.1  HRLO.1
                                                                 HRS1.1  HRSC.1
                                                                 PA113   PA502
                                                                 PA513   PA54.1
                                                                 PR13.1  PR13.5
                                                                 PR13.6  PR13.8

PRH-NBR-FTE          Signed 4.3                                  HR15.1  HR170
Full Time            Contains the employee's FTE at the time     HR511   HR515
Equivalent Number    of this pay rate history record.            HR54.1  HR650
                                                                 HR70.1  HRLO.1
                                                                 HRS1.1  HRSC.1
                                                                 PA113   PA370
                                                                 PA502   PA513
                                                                 PA54.1  PR13.1
                                                                 PR13.5  PR13.6

                         PRRATEHIST FILE INDEX


PRHSET1   COMPANY                                                BN100   BN101
          EMPLOYEE                                               BN102   BN103
          BEG-DATE                                               BN105   BN145
          SEQ-NBR                                                BN245   BN31.1
                                                                 BN31.2  BN32.1
                                                                 BN32.2  BN32.3
                                                                 BN45.1  BN531
                                                                 BN65.1  BN71.1
                                                                 BN72.1  BS13.1
                                                                 BS14.1  BS15.1
                                                                 BS32.1  HR105
                                                                 HR125   HR15.1
                                                                 HR170   HR511
                                                                 HR515   HR54.1
                                                                 HR650   HR70.1

PRHSET2   COMPANY       KeyChange                                HR105   HR125
          EMPLOYEE                                               HR15.1  HR170
          POS-LEVEL                                              HR511   HR515
          BEG-DATE*                                              HR54.1  HR650
          SEQ-NBR*                                               HR70.1  HRHI.1
                                                                 HRS1.1  HRSC.1
                                                                 PA105   PA113
                                                                 PA125   PA213
                                                                 PA311   PA340
                                                                 PA360   PA370
                                                                 PA502   PA513
                                                                 PA54.1  PA55.1
                                                                 PA66.3  PA67.1
                                                                 PR13.1  PR13.5
                                                                 PR13.6  PR13.8

PRHSET3   COMPANY       KeyChange

PRHSET4   COMPANY       KeyChange, Subset                        HR15.1  HR511
          ACT-OBJ-ID    Where (ACT-OBJ-ID != Zeroes )            HR515   HR521
          EMPLOYEE                                               HR54.1  HR650
          BEG-DATE                                               HR701   HRS1.1
          SEQ-NBR                                                HRSC.1  PA113
                                                                 PA125   PA149
                                                                 PA213   PA311
                                                                 PA340   PA341
                                                                 PA355   PA370
                                                                 PA502   PA513
                                                                 PA54.1  PA55.1
                                                                 PA66.1  PA66.2
                                                                 PA66.3  PA66.4
                                                                 PR13.1  PR13.5
                                                                 PR13.6  PR13.8

                         PRRATEHIST FILE RELATIONS



Base Currency  CUCODES      Required
                            When (PRH-CURRENCY-CODE != Spaces )

                            PRH-BASE-CURRENCY    -> CUC-CURRENCY-CODE

Company        PRSYSTEM     Required

                            PRH-COMPANY          -> PRS-COMPANY
                            Spaces               -> PRS-PROCESS-LEVEL

Currency       CUCODES      Required
                            When (PRH-CURRENCY-CODE != Spaces )

                            PRH-CURRENCY-CODE    -> CUC-CURRENCY-CODE

Employee       EMPLOYEE     Required

                            PRH-COMPANY          -> EMP-COMPANY
                            PRH-EMPLOYEE         -> EMP-EMPLOYEE

Persacthst     PERSACTHST   Required
                            When PRH-ACT-OBJ-ID != Zeroes

                            PRH-ACT-OBJ-ID       -> PAH-OBJ-ID