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PA502 - Position Conversion

Run PA502 (Position Conversion) to convert position information from a
comma-separated value (CSV) file into PA02.1 (Positions).

Planning considerations
1. Determine what position information you will convert.

2. Determine if employees and/or requisition records will be updated.
If you select Update emps; Reqs Immediately, updates will be made to
employee, requisition, and new hire actions immediately. If you select Update
Emps; Reqs Later, or if the update is incomplete, you will need to run PA102
(Position Update) when you are ready to update records with these changes.
Note: When you change historical position information, no updates are
performed for employees or requisitions.

3. Determine if position changes will be logged to history.

Before you convert positions:
- Ensure companies are defined in HR00.1 (Company).
- Ensure position reason codes are defined HR04.1 (HR Code Setup).
- Ensure process levels are defined HR01.1 (Process Level).
- Ensure departments are defined in HR02.1 (Department).
- Ensure user level codes (UL) are defined HR04.1 (HR Code Setup)
- Ensure job codes are defined in HR06.1 (Job Code).
- Ensure location codes (LO) are defined in HR04.1.
- Ensure supervisor codes are defined in HR07.1 (Supervisor)
- Ensure work schedule codes (WS) are defined in HR04.1
- Ensure overtime pay plans are defined in PR21.1 (Pay Plan).
- Ensure schedules or grade ranges are defined in PR16.1 (Step & Grade
Schedule) or PA95.1 (Grade Range Schedule).
- Ensure steps are defined in PR16.1.
- Ensure expense companies are defined in GL10 (Company).
- Ensure expense accounting units, expense account numbers, and expense
subaccount numbers are defined in GL20.1 (Accounting Units-Accounts).
- Ensure activities are defined in AC10.1 (Activity).
- Ensure account categories are defined in AC05.1 (Account Categories).

In addition:
- Be sure position rules exist in PA06.1 (Position Rules) for the earliest
position date being converted.
- Set up default and override rules in HR10.2 (Position Item Attributes).

The program processes and prints records in the order in which they are found
on the CSV file. The program edits records as if they were directly typed
into PA02.1. Any errors are written out to a new CSV file.

If employees and requisitions are assigned to the positions and you select
Update Emps; Reqs Later in the Update Emps,Req field or if the update is
incomplete, run PA102 (Position Update) to update employee information.

The following files are updated by the conversion

Database File Description       Database File Name    Updated if:
-------------------------       ------------------    ----------
Benefit Changes                 BNCHANGE              C
Employee                        EMPLOYEE              C
HR History*                     HRHISTORY             A, B, C
Rate History*                   PRRATEHIST            C
Position User Field Type**      HRPOSUSD              A, B, C
Supervisors                     HRSUPER               C, if supervisor
link                                                      is changed
Employee Personnel Information  PAEMPLOYEE            C
Employee Multiple Pos, Jobs     PAEMPPOS              C
Job Requisition                 PAJOBREQ              C
Retroactive Pos, Job Changes    PAPEPAUDIT            C, if emps
updated                                                      retroactively
Position Changes                PAPOSCHG              B,C, if emps not
fully                                                       updated
Position Errors                 PAPOSERR              C, if emps not
fully                                                      updated
Position                        PAPOSITION            A, B, C
Employee Report Writer Paths    PATHFIND              C
Personnel Action Detail         PERSACTDTL            C
Personnel Action History        PERSACTHST            C
Employee Group Employees        PGEMPLOYEE            C
*   updated if changes are logged to history.
**  if a new effective dated record is added, positions user fields are
brought forward.
A.  Files updated if no employees or requisitions are assigned to any of the
B.  Files updated if "update emps, reqs" is not immediate
C.  Files updated if "update emps, reqs" is immediate

Workfile name:

To verify data:
- Run PA202 (Position Listing).
- Run HR211 (Employee Listing).
- Run PA242 (Requisition Listing).
Note: PA502 also has report output.

Updated Files

    BNCHANGE   - The Benefit Changes file is updated with benefit changes when
                 positions are updated.

    BNGRPCHG   - The Benefit Group Change file is updated with group changes
                 that affect benefits.

    CKPOINT    - The Checkpoint Restart file is the environment file used for



    EMPLOYEE   - The Employee file updates employees in the position.

    HISTERR    -

    HRHISTORY  - The HR History file is updated with position changes and
                 user-defined log information.

    HRPOSUSD   - The Position User Field Type file is updated with position end

    HRSUPER    - The Supervisors file is updated with position supervisor link

    INTERVIEW  - The Applicant Interview file is referenced by the routine.

    JOBAUTH    -


    ONETMDED   - The Payroll One-Time Deduction file is referenced by the

    PAASSIGNED - The Assigned Resources file is updated with count changes.

    PABUDGET   - The Budget file is verifies the FTE against the budgeted FTE
                 depending on the position rules.


    PACOMMENTS - The Personnel Comments file is referenced by the routine.

    PAEMPLOYEE - The Employee Personnel Information file is updated with
                 employee information from position changes.

    PAEMPPOS   - The Employee Multiple Pos, Jobs file is updated with employee
                 updates from position changes.


    PAJOBREQ   - The Job Requisition file is udpated with position change


    PAPEPAUDIT - The Retroactive Pos, Job Changes file is updated with
                 retroactive employee and requisition changes.

    PAPOSCHG   - The Position Changes file is updated with postion changes if
                 this is not an immediate update or if employees were in error.

    PAPOSERR   - The Position Errors file is updated with employes who errored
                 on attempted position update changes.

    PAPOSITION - The Positions file is the primary file updated by this program.

    PAREQAPP   - The Job Requisition Application file is referenced by the

    PAREQCOST  - The Job Requisition Cost file is referenced by the routine.

    PAREQLOG   - The Job Requisition Log file is referenced by the routine.

    PAREQOFFER - The Job Requisition Offer file is referenced by the routine.

    PATHFIND   - The Employee Report Writer Paths file is updated with employee
                 changes when applying position updates.


    PAYMASTR   - The Employee Payment Master file is udpated with process level
                 changes when employees are updated.

    PERSACTHST - The Personnel Action Detail file is updated with employee
                 postion changes that require a personnel action.

    PERSACTION - The Personnel Action file is accessed to retrieve the personnel
                 action number or to retrieve the employee or position/job
                 action for position changes that update an action.

    PERSGROUP  - The Employee Group Header file is updated with employee group

    PGEMPLOYEE - The Employee Group Employees file is updated if an add or
                 change affects an employee group.


    PRSYSTEM   - The HR Company and Process Levels file is updated with the
                 last employee number.

    PRTAXLOC   -

    STANDTIME  - The Payroll Standard Time Record file is updated with payrate
                 changes for  hourly employees.

    TIMERECORD - The Employee Time Records file is updated for department or
                 process level changes.

Referenced Files

    ACACCTCAT  - The Activity Account Categories file verifies the account

    BENEFIT    - The Beneficiary file is referenced by the routine.

    BNBEN      -

    CUCODES    -

    DEDCODE    -

    DEPTCODE   - The Department file verifies the department.

    EMDEPEND   - The Employee Dependent file is referenced by the routine.


    EMPCODES   - The Emp/App Personnel Codes file is referenced by the routine.

    EMPFLEXDOL - The Employee Flex Dollars file is referenced by the routine.

    EMSTATUS   - The Employee/Applicant Status file retrieves the status count.

    EMTAMASTR  - The Employee Time Accrual Master file is referenced by the

    GLINTCO    -

    GLSYSTEM   -


    HREMPUSF   - The Employee/Applican User Fields file is referenced by the
                 group routine.

    HRPOSFLDS  - The Position User Fields file checks for the required position
                 user fields and log flag and retrieves information for updating
                 position user fields to history.

    HRSECLEV   - The Employee Security Level file retrieves the user's security


    JOBAUTH    -

    JOBCODE    - The Job Code Parameters file verfies the job code and
                 retrieves the annual hours for the job and salary range for pay
                 verification. It also verifies tip information.


    PABUDGET   - The Budget file is verifies the FTE against the budgeted FTE
                 depending on the position rules.


    PADICT     - The HR Systems Data Dictionary retrieves error messages.

    PADICT2    -

    PAEMPAPP   -

    PAINSTRUCT - The Instructor Information file is referenced by the routine.



    PAPOSRULE  - The Position Rules file is referenced for assigned resources

    PASCRTY    - The Data Item Attributes Parameters file is used for security.
                 The file retrieves flags for personnel additions edits and
                 logging to history.

    PCODES     - The Human Resource Codes file verfies HR codes.



    PGSELECT   - The Employee Group Selection Criteria file is used by the
                 group routine.

    PLAN       -

    PRBUSGRP   -

    PREMDEDHST - The Employee Deduction History file referenced by the routine.

    PROVERTIME - The Overtime Play Plan file verifies the overtime plan code.



    PRRATES    -

    PRSAGDTL   - The Step & Grade Schedule Detail file verifies the step and

    PRSAGHEAD  - The Step & Grade Schedule Header file verifies the schedule.

    PRSTATE    - The States file is referenced by the routine.

    PRTAXAUTH  - The Tax Authority file is refenced by the routine.


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