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                             MACOMPANY FILE

                            Matching Company

The Matching Company file contains matching and account information defined
at the company level.


AP125     AP126     AP131     AP170     AP175     AP176
AP177     AP190     AP20.1    AP20.2    AP20.3    AP20.4
AP20.5    AP20.7    AP220     AP23.1    AP25.1    AP25.2
AP26.1    AP260     AP27.1    AP30.1    AP30.2    AP30.4
AP305     AP520     API1.1    API2.1    DR100     IC02.1
IC10.2    IC11.1    IC130     IC131     IC141     IC142
IC28.1    IC811     IC83.1    MA00.1    MA05.1    MA05.3
MA126     MA180     MA200     MA205     MA208     MA231
MA41.1    MA41.2    MA41.4    MA41.7    MA43.1    MA43.2
MA43.3    MA43.4    MA43.5    MA43.7    MA43.8    MA43.9
MA53.1    MA53.2    MA53.3    MA530     MA531     MA54.8
MA540     MA60.1    MA60.2    MA60.3    MA60.4    MA60.5
MA61.1    MA62.6    MA63.1    MA64.6    MA65.1    MA66.1
MA66.2    MA66.3    MA67.1    MA67.2    MA70.1    MA708
MA730     MA75.1    MA80.1    MAI1.1    PO01.1    PO100
PO101     PO122     PO131     PO135     PO136     PO139
PO150     PO181     PO20.1    PO21.1    PO21.2    PO21.3
PO21.4    PO21.5    PO22.1    PO23.1    PO25.1    PO25.5
PO25.6    PO25.7    PO27.2    PO29.1    PO30.1    PO30.2
PO30.3    PO300     PO31.1    PO31.2    PO32.2    PO33.1
PO34.1    PO35.1    PO36.1    PO36.2    PO38.1    PO39.1
PO39.2    PO44.1    PO50.1    PO52.1    PO520     PO529
PO536     PO54.4    POED.1    POI3.1    POII.1    POIJ.1
RQ10.1    RQ10.2    RQ10.3    RQ11.1    RQ35.1    RQ500
RQIA.1    RQIB.1    RQIE.1    RQIF.1    RQII.1    RQIJ.1
WH20.2    WH20.7


MA01.1    MA310


MAY-COMPANY            Numeric 4                                 MA01.1
Element: Company       The company number.

MAY-NAME               Alpha 30  (Lower Case)                    MA01.1
Element: Name          The location name or description.

MAY-MATCH-TABLE        Alpha 10                                  MA01.1
Element: Match Table   Match table. Contains matching and
                       match processing rules.

MAY-ACC-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  MA01.1
PO Accrual             PO accrual accounting unit. Used as a
Accounting Unit        suspense account for invoiced items and
                       as a posting account for received not
                       invoiced report.

MAY-ACC-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 MA01.1
Element: PO Accrual AccPO accrual account number.

MAY-ACC-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 MA01.1
PO Accrual             PO accrual subaccount number.

MAY-VAR-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  MA01.1
Element: Accounting UniThe item cost variance accounting unit.
                       The item cost variance account is the
                       posting account for cost differences
                       between the PO and the receipt.

MAY-VAR-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 MA01.1
Element: Account       The item code variance account number.

MAY-VAR-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 MA01.1
Element: Subaccount    The item cost variance account
                       subaccount number.

MAY-TOL-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  MA01.1
Tolerance Accouning    Tolerance offset accounting unit.

MAY-TOL-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 MA01.1
Element: Tolerance AccoTolerance offset account number.

MAY-TOL-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 MA01.1
Element: Tolerance SubaTolerance offset subaccount number.

MAY-DACC-ACCT-UNIT     Alpha 15                                  MA01.1
Discount Accrual       Discount accrual accounting unit.
Acct Unit

MAY-DACC-ACCOUNT       Numeric 6                                 MA01.1
Discount Accrual       Discount accrual account number.

MAY-DACC-SUB-ACCT      Numeric 4                                 MA01.1
Discount Accrual       Discount accrual subaccount number.

MAY-REC-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  MA01.1
Element: Accounting UniThe receipt write-off accounting unit.

MAY-REC-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 MA01.1
Element: Account       The receipt write-off account number.

MAY-REC-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 MA01.1
Receipts Offset        The receipt write-off subaccount number.

MAY-MNR-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  MA01.1
Matched w/o Receipt    The accounting unit for invoice that
Acct Unit              match without receipts.

MAY-MNR-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 MA01.1
Matched w/o Receipt    The account for invoices that match
Account                without receipts.

MAY-MNR-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 MA01.1
Matched w/o Receipt    The subaccount for invoices that match
Subaccount             without receipts.

MAY-MWO-ACCT-UNIT      Alpha 15                                  MA01.1
Element: Accounting Unit

MAY-MWO-ACCOUNT        Numeric 6                                 MA01.1
Element: Account

MAY-MWO-SUB-ACCT       Numeric 4                                 MA01.1
Element: Subaccount

MAY-MTCH-EXCESS-NR     Numeric 1                                 MA01.1
Element: Mtch Exc Proc 1 = Matched no receipt
                       2 = Write off

MAY-MTCH-EXC-REC       Numeric 1                                 MA01.1
Element: Mtch Exc Proc 1 = Matched no receipt
                       2 = Write off

MAY-DISC-TAKEN         Alpha 1                                   MA01.1
Element: Discount TakenIndicates where a discount was taken.
                       Valid values are:
                       P = Payment
                       M = Match

MAY-CURR-SET-FLAG      Alpha 1                                   MA01.1
Element: Currency Set FFlag defines when the currency rate
                       has been set for the Purchase Order.
                       E = Purchase Order Entry
                       R = Receiving
                       I = Invoicing

MAY-HANDLING-CODE      Alpha 4                                   MA01.1
Element: Handling Code Invoice handling code. The invoice
                       handling code contains processing rules
                       for invoice matching. Handling codes can
                       be assigned at the company level.

MAY-HOLD-INSP-FLAG     Alpha 1                                   MA01.1
Element: Hold Insp FlagIf set to "Y", this flag will keep
                       receiving lines requiring inspection
                       from being matched until they have been
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

MAY-WRITE-OFF-AMT      Signed 15.2                               MA01.1
Element: Invoice Amount

MAY-VEN-CLAIM-TYPE     Alpha 2                                   MA01.1  PO52.1
Element: Ven Claim TypeCB = Chargeback
                       CM = Credit Memo
                       N = None

MAY-CLAIM-HOLD-CD      Alpha 4                                   MA01.1
Element: Hold Code

MAY-CB-HOLD-CODE       Alpha 4                                   MA01.1
Element: Hold Code

MAY-REPLACE-GOODS      Alpha 1                                   MA01.1
Element: Replace Goods Y = Yes
                       N = No

MAY-SHIP-OR-HOLD       Alpha 1                                   MA01.1  PO52.1
Element: Ship Or Hold  S = Ship
                       H = Hold

MAY-MATCH-CLASS        Alpha 10                                  MA01.1
Element: Match Class   A match class is a user-defined
                       matching key structure made up of
                       matching elements.

MAY-CURRENCY-CODE      Alpha 5                                   MA01.1
Element: Currency Code The base currency defined for the
                       company in the Lawson General Ledger

MAY-CURR-ND            Numeric 1                                 MA01.1
Account Currency       Represents the number of decimals
Code                   defined for the currency of the object.

MAY-ERS-LOC-CNTRL      Alpha 1                                   MA01.1
Element: ERS Location CIndicates whether the company controls
                       ERS by ship-to location.
                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

MAY-ERS-COST-UPD       Alpha 1                                   MA01.1
Element: All Flag      Indicates whether to update ERS costs.
                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

MAY-EDI-AUTO-REL       Alpha 1                                   MA01.1
Element: EDI Auto ReleaIndicates whether the company
                       automatically releases EDI invoices.
                       N = No
                       Y = Yes

MAY-POOL-OPTION        Numeric 1                                 MA01.1  MA310
Element: Au Flag       1 = Company Vendor
                       2 = Company Vendor PO
                       3 = Company Vendor PO Ship To

MAY-UNDER-TOL-FLAG     Alpha 1                                   MA01.1
Element: Under Tol Flag

MAY-OVER-TOL-FLAG      Alpha 1                                   MA01.1
Element: Over Tol Flag

Element: Item Diff Flag

MAY-VALIDATE-PO        Alpha 1                                   MA01.1
Element: Validate Po   Marking Y in this field will require the
                       system to validate the PO entered is a
                       valid PO number.
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

MAY-REQUIRE-PO         Alpha 1                                   MA01.1
Element: Require Po    Marking Y in this field will require a
                       PO number.  The number is all that is
                       required the system will NOT validate
                       the PO.
                       Y = Yes
                       N = No

MAY-PO-COST-MSG-FL     Alpha 1                                   MA01.1
Element: Po Cost Msg Fl

MAY-PO-MATCH-RULE      Alpha 10                                  MA01.1
Element: Match Rule

MAY-PO-ORDER           Numeric 2                                 MA01.1
Element: Po Order

MAY-PO-COST-WF         Alpha 1
Element: Po Cost Msg Fl

MAY-MATCH-RULE         Alpha 10                                  MA01.1
Element: Match Rule

MAY-ORDER              Numeric 2                                 MA01.1
Element: Field Order Number

MAY-RECON-MSG-WF       Alpha 1                                   MA01.1
Element: Po Cost Msg Fl

MAY-NO-RCPT-DAYS       Numeric 3
Element: No Rcpt Days

Element: No Rcpt Option

MAY-DAYS-TO-WORK       Numeric 3
Element: Days To Work

MAY-DAYS-TO-WRK-OP     Alpha 1
Element: Days To Wrk Op

MAY-INVAL-INV-OPT      Alpha 1
Element: Inval Inv Opt

MAY-WF-CALC-DATE       Alpha 1
Element: Wf Calc Date

MAY-INV-FINRPT-IND     Alpha 1                                   MA01.1
Element: Pull For Fr FlY = Yes
                       N = No
                       " " = No

MAY-RCT-FINRPT-IND     Alpha 1                                   IC130   MA01.1
Element: Pull For Fr FlY = Yes
                       N = No
                       " " = No

MAY-DRPSHP-MSG-FL      Alpha 1                                   MA01.1
Element: Po Cost Msg Fl

MAY-DRPSHP-RULE        Alpha 10                                  MA01.1
Element: Match Rule

MAY-DRPSHP-ORDER       Numeric 2                                 MA01.1
Element: Po Order

MAY-DRPSHP-WF          Alpha 1
Element: Po Cost Msg Fl

MAY-SRVC-MSG-FL        Alpha 1                                   MA01.1
Element: Po Cost Msg Fl

MAY-SRVC-RULE          Alpha 10                                  MA01.1
Element: Match Rule

MAY-SRVC-ORDER         Numeric 2                                 MA01.1
Element: Po Order

MAY-SRVC-WF            Alpha 1
Element: Po Cost Msg Fl

                         MACOMPANY FILE INDEX


MAYSET1   COMPANY                                                AP125   AP126
                                                                 AP131   AP170
                                                                 AP175   AP176
                                                                 AP177   AP190
                                                                 AP20.1  AP20.2
                                                                 AP20.3  AP20.4
                                                                 AP20.5  AP20.7
                                                                 AP220   AP23.1
                                                                 AP25.1  AP25.2
                                                                 AP26.1  AP260
                                                                 AP27.1  AP30.1
                                                                 AP30.2  AP30.4
                                                                 AP305   AP520
                                                                 API1.1  API2.1
                                                                 DR100   IC02.1

MAYSET2   HANDLING-CODE                                          MA05.1  MA05.3
          COMPANY                                                MA205

                         MACOMPANY FILE RELATIONS



Iccompany      ICCOMPANY    Not Required

                            MAY-COMPANY       -> ICC-COMPANY

Mamtchrule     MAMTCHRULE   Required

                            MAY-MATCH-RULE    -> MAU-MATCH-RULE

Pocompany      POCOMPANY    Not Required

                            MAY-COMPANY       -> PCY-COMPANY